!Injured! Levi X Reader

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"Let Me Go"


•Season 4 Part 1 Spoilers

•Does Not Follow Original Storyline


•Please Don't Spoil Part 2!


(Inspired by "Flames" by R3HAB, ZAYN, & Jungleboi)

Third Person POV


A sudden bright white light sparked through the dorm windows, glowing throughout the medium-sized room. The reflection was seen through the eyelids of a new cadet, which woke her up from a deep sleep on that dark night. Seconds passed and a loud, and long crack echoed outside, sounding like a giant tree had snapped, and fallen over, pulling up it's roots. The cadet sat up in her bunk and looked towards the large windows when she noticed more flashes of light coming from the outside. She immediately recognized the weather and jumped off her bunk to wake up her roommate. "Isabel! Get up!" She whispered and shook the red-head's shoulder. "Not yet..." The red-head mumbled and rolled away from the other girl. (F/n) sighed to herself as she took the blanket off her friend's body. "Come on! It's thunder-storming!"

The girls scrambled to collect their other two friends, frantic enough as it was. On top of that, they had to be quiet and would have to sneak out of the building in order to watch it. "Levi! Farlan! Wake up, it's storming!" (F/n) whispered and ultimately gained their attention faster than Isabel. "It's not morning... we just went to bed." Farlan grumbled from his bunk and hid under his pillow. (F/n) quietly chuckled at him as Isabel removed the pillow from his head. "No, she said storming, not morning!" The red-head whispered with a smile. Farlan sighed and sat up to rub the sleepiness out of his face before he actually got up. (F/n) looked over at Levi who had his eyes open and was looking out one of the windows already. "Levi, we're gonna go outside and watch the thunderstorm if you wanna join?" She offered with a shy smile. "Idiot, you'll get struck by lightning." He mumbled, eyes not moving. "We're staying under the archway." The girl chuckled in response.

Somehow, they were able to convince Levi into coming outside and watching the storm blow through, considering it was past midnight. The four sat in front of the doors, under an archway that kept them dry from the pouring rain. As they looked up, the sky lit up with blues and purples from each strike of lightning. It was a beautiful scene, almost like a painting. (F/n) had always talked about wanting to see a storm as soon as they got up to the surface. They had always heard them from the underground, but seeing one in person was much more special. Levi glanced over at the (hair color) girl and noticed her fascination with the world in front of them. Her (color) eyes were large, filled with astonishment and wonder as they darted back and forth across the sky. Her smile grew wider with each roll of thunder, occasionally flinching from how loud it would be.

Isabel and Farlan held the same amount of awe for the wondrous thunderstorm, never imagining it to be this powerful and bright. Levi let out a quiet sigh as his friends sat in silence, not wanting to blink and miss a single second. (F/n) eventually broke her gaze on the sky and turned to face Levi. "I didn't think you'd be this entertained." He commented, not looking at her. "It's like... multiple explosions in the sky, why wouldn't I be?" She hummed with a grin. "Promise we'll watch every storm? Even after the war to save humanity?" The girl whispered to the raven man. He paused to think for a moment, then looked up to see her face light up from a final strike of lightning off in the distance. The purity of her face was one he would never forget or say no to. "I promise." He whispered, noticing the clouds had parted, revealing the moon and her twinkling stars.

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