Levi X !Over-Thinker! Reader

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"Needing You"


(Requested by @TheSimpCookieMonster)

Third Person POV

"I've seen the way he looks at others. He gives everyone the same look as he does me. Do I not mean anything to him anymore? Am I just a joke he got bored of?" A female whispers quietly to her best friend, Historia. "You know he would never hurt you like that. He's been through more than any of us combined. I don't mean to compare our struggles but you have to realize that maybe it's his way of coping?" The short blonde explains, brushing through her friend's hair (or braiding if it's textured). "I guess, but... it still hurts me too." The (hair color) shrugs, looking down at her hands that rest on her lap. "I understand. You both just need to communicate that. I'm sure he doesn't mean it." Historia sweeps the bristle brush past her left ear. "Why don't you go talk to him tonight?"

That's exactly what (f/n) went and did. After talking about it with Historia, she realized that instead of acting like a quiet mouse, she would have to nip it in the bud to actually get some closure. Walking towards his office, the girl knocks and enters before he can answer. "Levi," She breathes out, shutting the heavy door behind her. "(F/n)?" He looks up from his stack of paperwork, marking off who hadn't made it back from the most recent expedition. "Can we talk... when you're not busy?" She asks as she steps towards his desk at the back of the room. "Sure. What is it?" He sets down his quill, leaning back into his chair with crossed arms. Now, she felt nothing but anxiety. She loathed confrontation.

"Um..." The girl starts, searching for words to form a sentence, sitting on one of the chairs across from him. "Lately, you've been busier." She slaps herself across the face, mentally. That was not at all what she was going for. "I'm sorry." Is all he can say to that, not having control over how much work he has to do. "That's not what I-" (F/n) clears her throat as a way to restart. "I meant, you've been distant and... I just feel kicked to the side, I guess." She says more-so questioning herself than making it a statement, as if she is unsure she truly feels that way. Levi purses his lips, adjusting in his seat. He did feel bad for making (f/n) feel that way when that wasn't his intention. "I don't know... I just feel... like I don't mean anything to you anymore. Like you're bored of me and would rather have someone else, which, I completely understand... I'd get tired of me too." Her voice trails off as she picks at the skin surrounding her thumbnail. Her eyes stung and her throat began to feel scratchy.

This time, Levi gets up from his chair, in disbelief. "(F/n)," He rounds his desk, standing in front of her. "I'm pretty useless, I know. Annoying, clingy, weak, not attractive, dumb... I'm not perfect so you deserve better. I get it." She continues on, ignoring Levi's voice. "(F/n), listen to me." He repeats, gently placing two fingers under her chin to make her look up at him. The (hair color) girl finally snaps out of her self-depicting state and gives him her attention. "You're none of those things. I promise you. You're smart, funny, caring, strong, and most importantly, beautiful inside and out. You radiate so much positivity in this cruel world without realizing it. I know it's hard to feel confident in yourself but you always see the positive in everything else. Except yourself. I hope you can see the positive in you too." His voice is so gentle, as smooth as silk, as he kneels in front of her, holding her hands. "You're perfect to me, (f/n). Don't forget that." The girl sniffles, nodding gently. "S-Sorry." She cracks a tiny grin as she looks down into his steel eyes. "Don't ever be sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way so I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

(F/n) swallows, carefully nodding. "Of course." She whispers with a smile, squeezing his hands that still held her's. "I love you." She adds. "I love you too." He whispers back, leaning up to kiss her forehead before standing up again, pulling her with him. "I'll make it up to you and-" (F/n) cuts him off by grasping him in a tight hug. "I don't need any chocolates, Levi. I just need you." Her voice is muffled by his shoulder. The man hums in response, wrapping his arms around her waist after. "I'm right here for you."


A short one-shot chapter but a sweet one!

I hope all of you know you are beautiful and deserve a cookie 🍪

Of course, you can have two. Help yourself, babies 🍪

I love you all and have a good day or night!


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