Karl's Fidgeting

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Karl had the habit of fidgeting. Nothing wrong with it, but he was almost always messing with something. He kept a bundle of fidget toys at home, from small popper key chains to stress balls with those nets around them. They helped him focus, a lot. When he couldn't bother to get one of his fidget toys or forgot to bring one with him, he turned to a habit he always did when he wasn't paying attention.

Normally, he would grab one of his fiance's hand, or maybe a piece of fabric, and start tracing spirals into them. With each one of his fingers on both his hands, he would rub a perfect archimedian spiral into any surface. If it was on skin, it would often leave a flushed red mark. Karl didn't know why he did this, or why the spirals were so perfect, but it was endearing to his two fiances. Quackity was often the one getting a spiral traced into his skin for some reason.

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