An Angel Of Death 4/4

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Final part

TW for death and soul-reaping

Philza woke up early the next morning and spent the rest of the day with Eleanor, trying to push what was going to happen later tonight out of his head. They talked with some of the other villagers, a few who remembered Phil and their kids. The kids were happy and carefree, playing around the fountain in the center.

I hope those four are doing okay...

The kids played with the crows while Philza talked to the adults, Eleanor by his side the whole day. She would often stop to lean against a wall or would convince Phil to stop and sit down with her. They were sitting on the edge of the center fountain when the old lady started to talk.

"Seriously, how do you keep in shape? My damn knees won't do what I tell them to."

Philza shrugged. "I mean, when you have a whole murder of crows to look after, it'll keep you going for a while." He lied. His crows actually gave him grey hairs and would take years off his lifespan if they could. Phil noticed a crow trying to attack a child and snapped his fingers at the bird, who immediately obeyed and calmed down.

"Maybe I would've lived longer if I had kids, or maybe even a pet." Eleanor giggled, taking her sentence as a joke.

Philza turned to look at her. "What do you mean?"

The old lady watched the kids and the crows playing. "I know death isn't far away from me now. I just wonder, what would've changed? You know, if I kept myself busy and whatnot."

Phil looked to the sky, swallowing the rock in his throat. That sentence rang true for him too. He could so easily lose himself in the folds of time, forever overlapping and enveloping each other. As an immortal, time didn't stop, it just didn't have an end. He had seen other demigods and immortals like himself be lost in the motions of time. He needed to start another life.

He was pulled out of his brain and back to the real world as Eleanor set her hand on top of his. "I'm not scared, mind you. I will look Death in the eyes and tell it that it doesn't scare me. I will beg it to take me, to kill me."

Kill me Phil. Phil, kill me. Phil. Kill me. Phil, stab me with the sword, murder me now. Kill. Kill me.

Philza nodded slowly, those words ringing and echoing in his head. "I'm...I'm sure it will oblige. Maybe it'll hesitate at first at how...much you want to be killed,'ll do it." He swallowed thickly, blinking back a tear or two. "That's it's job."

Eleanor turned to the winged man and smiled. "I know. I hope you'll join me in heaven eventually, Philza."

It's not heaven.

The rest of the day passed by quickly. Too quickly for Philza's tastes. The sun had set and the moon had risen all in one moment. The handle of his scythe sat uncomfortably in the palm of his hand. Eleanor was sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, as it was a chilly night. The winged man kept twisting his weapon around in his hand, never finding a good position for it.

Philza gotten up to go poke around the kitchen some while Eleanor stayed on the couch. She had sunk into the well-worn fabric, her eyes closed and her hands folded peacefully in her lap. She had really accepted death.

Kristin's voice echoed through his head.

"Now, my beloved."

Philza gripped his scythe until his knuckles had gone white. Walking over to the couch, he stood behind Eleanor, the void-like scythe glinting in the moonlight.

"You know how you said you would beg Death to take you earlier?"

The old lady hummed a yes, not moving or opening her eyes.

"Well...there's no need for that now."

Eleanor looked up at Philza right as he swung his scythe down, cleanly slicing through her body like a warm knife through soft butter. It didn't even go into the couch. She died right there, her soul vanishing into the void of the afterlife. Kristin would greet her, comfort her, everything a soul would need to hear after being reaped. Eleanor has just passed away due to old age as every mortal knew it.

Philza mourned Eleanor Green the next morning with the rest of the village, her cold body being rested in a delicately detailed wooden coffin. She lived a good life, but the winged traveler knew she didn't feel fulfilled in the end. Before anyone could wipe their tears to question Philza, he spread his wings and flew away, starting his journey back home.

After he arrived back at his arctic home, this time with more rest stops in between, he visited the four graves outside his house.

"I hope your mother is treating you boys well. You know we both love you all dearly..."

"Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Technoblade."

Author's Note: Eleanor Green is not a canonical character. I just wrote her to make the story come together. Take care of yourselves, love you all /p

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