Syndicate Meeting

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The meeting of the Syndicate had started, but not everyone was there yet. They were missing Technoblade, the anarchist piglin.

Ranboo shifted around nervously in his seat. "Phil? Do you know where Techno is?"

Philza shrugged, his wings moving up with his shoulders. "Hell if I know, mate."

Niki glanced around the room from where she was sitting. "Isn't there like a way to call him here?"

Ranboo snapped his fingers and stood up. "Actually there is!" The Enderman hybrid looked over to Philza, who seemed to get the idea.

"No, no. I don't want him breaking down another door." He started to get up, his hands on the table.

Niki stayed seated in her chair. "Well, I don't want to sit here for another half hour."

The winged man seemed to hesitate before sighing heavily. "Fine. But you have to do it, Ranboo."

The Enderman hybrid sighed and crossed him arms over his chest.

"You know, guys, I've been thinking about starting a government." He said, clearly not meaning it. They all listened intently for any signs that the piglin was approaching.

Technoblade half-ran half-slid across the ice path, his heavy footsteps giving him away. He went full force into the door, sending him and the door down to the ground. Scrambling to his feet, he pulled out his sword at pointed it at the group. Clouds of hot breath billowed out his nose.

"Now which one of you said that?"

Niki sat there with wide eyes. Slowly turning to Ranboo, "That actually worked."

Philza clapped his hands together and sat down in his chair. "Well, now that everyone is here, we can begin!"

Ranboo sat down calmly, making direct eye contact with Technoblade, who squinted his eyes in confusion.


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