His Reflection

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TW! Blood, implications of trauma/abuse, swearing

Quackity was getting dressed to go pay his daily visit to Dream. He had the regular button-up, dress slacks with suspenders, and his blue tie. He wrestled his shoes onto his feet after wiping them clean of dried blood.

Getting up to open the door, he stopped and stared at himself in a mirror. The scar on half of his face went from his jaw to his eyebrow and his eye was all blurry because of it too. He grabbed his beanie and pulled it on, letting his hair fall out from under it. He needed to cut it.

Quackity went to fix his tie in the mirror and paused halfway through the motion. His reflection was the spitting image of Schlatt, horns and everything. Quackity stared at it for what felt was a long time, waiting for the reflection to move. Suddenly, Schlatt in the mirror smirked and leaned forward, out of the reflective surface. Quackity stumbled back and hit the floor, trying to back away. He held his arms in front of his face, expecting to be hit.

"Pumpkin? What the fuck are you doing?"

Quackity looked up, and Glatt was floating in front of the mirror in his blue sweater. Quackity jumped up to his feet and brushed himself off. "Nothing, dumbass. Just...nothing."

Glatt raised an eyebrow and moved forward to look Quackity in his eyes. The gambler looked away swiftly.

"You look just like me, pumpkin." There was a chuckle in Glatt's voice. He seemed proud of this development.

Quackity curled his hands into fists. "Thanks for pointing it out, dipshit." He didn't want to be like Schlatt, but he knew in the back of his mind that this was the path he was going down.

Glatt floated around to look at Quackity's face, and this time he didn't look away. He stared the ghost ram in his eyes. Glatt grinned and leaned back casually.

"So when the fuck are you getting this revive book? It's kinda fucking lonely, bitch."

Quackity sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm sure he's about to break, alright? Stop getting your panties in a bunch."

Scoffing, the ghost folded his arms over his chest. "Says the one who was just scared of his own reflection."

The gambler's eyes snapped open. "It wasn't my reflection, Glatt! It...oh just shut up!" He turned away and grabbed his weapons, shoving them in his inventory.

The ghost watched Quackity with the same smile, floating behind the gambler while he was looking through his inventory.

Glatt leaned forward on Quackity's shoulder, grabbing his jaw from behind and lifting his head up. The ghost ram whispered, "I'm so proud of you, pumpkin. If Tubbo didn't take after me, then it would've been you. You're going to be the downfall of so many people."

Quackity closed his eyes and listening to Glatt, scowling all the while. He stepped forward and out of the ghost's grasp. "You're insane."

Glatt chuckled to himself.

"I'm not the only one."

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