This Enderboi

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Ranboo and Tubbo were hosting a house warming party for their mansion that was just recently finished being built. Everyone from Snowchester and some exclusive others were invited to attend: Jack Manifold, Captain Puffy, Foolish, Tommy, Niki, Quackity, Sam Nook, Fundy, Technoblade, Philza. Ghostbur was also invited, but he didn't show up. The two hosts didn't feel comfortable leaving Micheal alone, so they dressed him up and let him run around the mansion during the party.

What were they most excited to show off at this party? The new grand piano Tubbo impulsively bought and installed, so that Ranboo would play. Ranboo knew how to play piano, and Tubbo wanted to sing. Micheal was safe while running around, thankfully. Everyone was mingling, drinking, and munching on the pastries that Niki made.

Ranboo took a seat at the piano bench and everyone quieted down when he started playing. Tubbo grabbed the microphone and started singing. He was actually trying his best to not make everyone's ears bleed.

"My sweetheart's piano is rat-filled and mine is infested with bugs."

Ranboo thought he heard something, someone talking, but shook it off and kept playing.

"The music we make is unnatural, but it sounds just like falling in love."

It was so painfully obvious who Tubbo was singing about. He would keep looking back at him as he sang.

"This butch, this butch, this butch, this butch. He makes me go weak in the knees."

Tommy was watching Tubbo, wanting him to look in his direction for once.

"But I can't let him see me swoon or else he will think I am weak."

Micheal stopped running around and sat on the bench with Ranboo, watching his hands dance gracefully across the keys.

"Tomorrow we'll dig through the garbage, and we'll fish out all kinds of neat trash."

Niki was swaying from side to side, smiling and listening to their music.

"And when we go back to my apartment, he'll probably kick my fucking ass."

Tubbo couldn't help a small giggle at that lyric. He knew Ranboo would never lay a finger on him.

"This butch, this butch, this butch, this butch. He makes me go weak in the knees."

Jack Manifold and Sam Nook were clapping along to the beat.

"But I can't let him see me swoon or else he will think I am weak."

Captain Puffy stood next to Niki and listened to her quiet humming.

"I sing him songs in my garage and make him fall in love with me."

Could he get any cheesier? Techno shuffled over to Philza and whispered something in the winged man's ear.

"And once we're done, the sun is gone, we both just sit so nervously."

Quackity thought he recognized the tune, when he was still married to Schlatt. Ranboo's piano playing started slowing down.

"I talk real slow and speak real low..."

Ranboo glanced over at Tubbo during the pause and they both shared a chuckle and a warm smile. Ranboo's playing picked up again.

"Hoping he'll lean in to me. And we just laugh cause what was that?"

Fundy was shifting his weight back and forth on his two feet nervously.

"We can't take ourselves seriously."

Micheal was up again and peeking through the nearby windows.

"This butch, this butch, this butch, this butch. He makes me go weak in the knees."

Did Technoblade disappear at some point?

"But I can't let him see me swoooon..."

Ranboo's playing slowed down again, feeling something prick the back of his mind.

"Or else he will think I am sweet."

The piano playing came to a gradual stop as the song came to an end and everyone started applauding. Tubbo was giggling as he set the microphone down and picked up Micheal. His husband was staring at a spot on the ground, his face unseen. Tommy approached Ranboo, wanting to congratulate him on his amazing playing. Ranboo snapped his head up, the color of his eyes and mouth a deep purple now, as someone walked in the front door, slowly clapping. Everyone turned to see who it was. It was Ghostbur, wasn't. It's Wilbur, alive and still wearing his ripped trench coat. Philza turned his head down as an announcement rang out across the server.


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