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CW! For Ranboo's Enderwalking, being attacked. This is inspired from Ranboo's recent lore, so spoilers if you haven't seen it yet.

Warden Sam let a knot of worry tie itself around his gut over the next half hour. Ranboo had approached Sam and begged the Warden to lock him in the prison. He yelled at the creeper king about how he had done awful things but couldn't tell Sam about it. The Warden managed to persuade the Enderman hybrid to go back home, but he couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

Warden Sam rolled the interaction over in his mind multiple times, pondering why Ranboo would say such things. Sam knew the tall boy was a good person through and through. So why? He let more questions spill into his thoughts, feeling his chest get tighter and tighter. By now, he was pacing back and forth in front of the prison.

Sam came to a conclusion. He just hoped he wasn't too late.

The creeper king made his way to the community portal and then traveled to the tundra portal, planning to go visit Ranboo, see how he was actually doing. His boots crunched through the snow as he walked, his pace getting more and more hurried as his mind raced.

The group of houses came into his view and he headed towards Ranboo's house, the only one halfway into the snowy hill. He opened the iron door carefully, being met with the green and red carpet of the first floor. Sam peeked upstairs, didn't see the boy there, and looked at the ladder that went downstairs.

The Warden closed his eyes and listened closely. He knew Ranboo kept a few Enderman in his basement, but the sheer amount of noises coming from downstairs wasn't normal for just a few Enderman.

Warden Sam climbed the ladder down and looked around, his eyes landing on a giant, tall figure hunched over by the furnaces, facing away from the creeper king. The black blazer that Ranboo normally wore was on the entity, ripped in several places. Sam couldn't tell what it was at first.

The entity snapped it's head up from the floor, feeling a new presence in the room. It spun around and met Sam's eyes. Sam stared at it, feeling a familiar presence within the being. It's eyes were a deep purple and little bits of white were splattered around the right side of the entity's face.

The being opened its mouth and spoke in Enderman, a language Sam couldn't understand.


The Warden blinked a couple of times and looked at the creature closer, taking a step forward. It was wearing Ranboo's clothing, all ripped and shredded in places. It was sat on it's haunches, clearly too tall for this basement. Little Enderman particles were zooming around frantically, bumping into the entity and the walls.

Looking between the entity's feet, he could see a book laying open of the floor, ink covering the pages in neat handwriting. Although he couldn't tell what it said from here.

Sam looked up at it's face as it spoke again in Enderman.

"⌇⏃⋔  ⍙⊑⏃⏁  ⏃⍀⟒  ⊬⍜⎍  ⎅⍜⟟⋏☌  ⊑⟒⍀⟒?"

Warden Sam felt his heart sink as he recognized the presence, who the entity was.

"R-Ranboo...? What happened to you?"

Sam couldn't know Ranboo wasn't in control of himself. The enderwalking monster screeched in Enderman and lunged at the creeper king. Sam produced his trident and was shoved to the ground, pinned down with the handle of his weapon being the only thing keeping the monster from himself.

Warden Sam had screwed his eyes shut and started to feel water droplets fall onto his face from above. His eyes opened slightly to see Ranboo crying, tears spilling forth from the deep purple eyes.

"⌇⏃⋔  ⋏⍜...!  ⟟'⋔  ⌇⍜  ⌇⍜⍀⍀⊬!"

(For those that don't use a translator/don't speak Enderman:)


("Sam what are you doing here?")

("Sam no...! I'm so sorry!")

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