An Angel Of Death 1/4

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So this is a 4 part oneshot. Each section will be right after each other in order, so don't worry about finding the next part. 1/4

CW for mentions of blood and death

Philza was a traveler and explorer, and being basically immortal gave him all the time he wanted to see the world. He was extremely dedicated to it. Hell, if it was any attribution to his dedication, he once left his 3 sons for 5 years to go exploring and has traveled to the void multiple times just to see his wife. His internal compass and feathery wings helped this traveler a great deal too.

One day, he decided he would take a short vacation, only a week long this time. He flew over thousands of miles, over multiple different biomes, with only few rest stops in between, just to get to his destination. Most of his crows that followed him had to end up turning around to go back home. Only a small handful of the murder kept up with Philza.

His feet hit the ground softly as he landed, his scythe shifting precariously against his back. He remembered this place well. Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back and took a deep breath in. The fresh, pine-scented air filled his lungs with nostalgia. His bare feet stood on healthy grass, the blades dipped in morning dew. This was one of his old stopping grounds, a small village on the outskirts of a large forest.

The winged traveler was snapped out of his thoughts when a meek voice called his name. "Phil...? Is that you?" Opening his eyes, he looked to the direction where it came from. An old lady stood on her porch, leaning on her doorway with a walking cane in her hand.

Philza smiled politely and took a deep bow. "Indeed it is. And you are...?" He glanced up at the lady, her silvery blue eyes brimming with tears.

"It's Ellie! Eleanor Green!" The old lady hobbled off her porch and towards Phil, reaching her arms out for a hug. The winged man felt a warmed smile tug at his mouth and tears prick his eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a big hug, completely enveloping her with his wings. "Oh, Ellie! It's so good to see you again!"

The crows got riled up, pecking at Phil's wings and ears, shouting over each other.

"Philza who is that lady?"



Philza waved his hands at the frantic crows, mentally telling them to knock it off.

Eleanor leaned away from Phil, smiling up at him. "Oh you haven't aged a day, Philza!" The winged man internally winced at that statement. It was true. He didn't age after becoming immortal. Wanting to get his mind off the topic, he spoke up. "How are you? God, how long has it been?"

The old lady backed away and seemed to think about it for a second. "If I was 15 back then, then it would have to be...80 years at least!" She proclaimed casually. That number hit Philza like a train though.

Has it really been that long?

Phil had to pretend like this wasn't news to him. The old lady craned her head around to look at the crows. "Wow! They still follow you everywhere they go, huh?"

The crows started screaming again.

"How does she know about us?"

"What did she saaaaayy?!"


Philza sighed, "Yep, they sure do." He tried to hide the annoyance in his tone. "Please ignore them. They still get excited very easily."

The old lady nodded her head understandingly. "Well, would you like to come in? I have tea brewing right now, if you want."

Phil hid a big smile threatening to show itself. "I would love to, Eleanor."

Philza sat down on an oak chair in the small dining room, his legs crossed on the seat and his scythe leaning on the edge of the table. He watched Eleanor pour steaming water into two mugs with loose leaf tea bags in them. He was handed his mug and set it on the table, letting the bag steep.

Wonder what flavor she used.

The crows had to be left outside but they were sitting on the windowsill, eagerly watching the two friends. The old lady carefully sat down across from Philza. "My limbs aren't what they used to be, Phil." She commented. The winged man nodded and took a sip of the tea, the bittersweet, earthy taste of the drink sliding over his tongue.

"You remembered my favorite was green tea, after all this time?" It was a pleasant surprise for Phil. The lady giggled and rested her arms on the table.

"Of course I did, silly! I would never forget, even on my deathbed." Philza laughed with the old lady, feeling a pang in his heart.

They shared a moment of silence and took a sip of their tea. Eleanor broke the silence first. "Oh man, when you crash landed in the village, bleeding everywhere, the elders thought it was a bad omen."

Phil let out a light chuckle. "I remember. They wanted me dead, and I couldn't defend myself with anything other than my scythe." He patted the handle of his large, abyssal black weapon.

Eleanor shook her head. "I was so happy to help you, they thought I should be burned at the stake as well. You had to take my bed as your wings healed. Whatever that protector did to you, it was bad." She was referencing the protector that resided deep in the forest next to the village. Phil had accidentally angered it one night by ringing it's summoning bell and took refuge in the unfriendly village.

Philza swirled his green tea around in it's mug, looking back on that event so long ago. He was unprepared back then, to say the least. "Is it the forest? That's what I came here to see."

Eleanor looked up at the winged traveler with shock painted across her face. "W-well, I think it's still there. It hasn't been wakened in so long though."

Phil nodded his head slowly, still deep in thought. Would it be wise to wake it? Even if it did fight him back then, and win, it was like an old friend to him.

"S-so anyways! are your boys? I remember you telling me you had a few kids back then." Eleanor's question was innocent, to her. Philza stopped, staring at the drink in his hand, his knuckles gone white.

"I...they're fine. Living on their own and what not." The traveler uttered through gritted teeth. He hated lying.

Eleanor nodded, oblivious to his emotions. "I never had kids myself. It seemed like such a burden, and now I'm wondering if I should've married and raised a kid or two."

Phil looked up slowly at Eleanor, his mind a blizzard. He had been reminded of how different his life was when he was immortal. He didn't have to worry about having kids before he was old and weak, because he wouldn't get old.

His mind was freed from his thoughts when he heard a crow tap on the glass. They saw him spiraling. Philza nodded at them, mentally telling them he was fine now.

"You remember the way back to the bell, right?" Eleanor spoke up after taking a long sip of her tea.

Phil thought about it for a second before replying, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do." He gulped down the last of his green tea and set it down.

The old lady rested her head in her palm. "Well, you better, because I wouldn't be able to show you the way." When Phil tilted his head in confusion, she sighed and stood up, leaning on her walking cane. "I'm not that spry young girl I used to be, Philza." She told him with a gentle smile.

She hobbled off to the front door, opening it. "I suggest you arrive before dusk. It dislikes being woken at night, as you already know."

Phil got the message and stood up, grabbing his scythe and attaching it to his back again. He prayed he wouldn't have to use it anytime soon, but deep down, he knew.

Eleanor stepped outside with Philza, a strong breeze blowing past them. The crows immediately started pestering the man.

"You good, old man?"

"What did you two talk about?"

"Can I get her number???"

Phil held back a heavy sigh, knowing the lady would question it, so he simply glared at the small murder until they quieted down.

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