Someone With Too Much Luck

56 1 0

CW! Gambling, idea of taking lives

Quackity was sitting in his chair, his frustrated scowl barely hidden by the deck of cards in front of his face. He was gambling in a game of Poker, and his opponent was unreasonably good at it. The entity sitting across from Quackity was raising higher and higher, getting confident with each round. He had already won small risks twice, and now it was high risk.

A small goat boy was leaning on the back of the opponent's chair, watching his husband having fun. The ghost ram that worked as a dealer was glancing back at the gambler, concerned at his clearly agitated expression, the one light blue eye of Quackity's glowing with fury. Similarly, the gambler's scythe was glinting under the artificial lights with a hunger.

The ghost ram rested his hands on the table. There was only one more card to reveal, and then one of them would win. "Ranboo...what do you want to do this round?" He asked, trying to avoid his boss's stare.

The Enderman hybrid glanced down at his hand. "I'll raise." He pushed a small handful of chips with :] on them towards the pile. The gambler held back an exasperated groan.

The small goat boy leaned on Ranboo's shoulder and whispered something into his ear. The hybrid rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to add more. It's fine as it is, Tubbo."

The ghost ram nodded as Ranboo announced he would end his turn. "And..." Turning to look at Quackity, he gulped, "What about you?"

The gambler huffed, "I'll raise too, Glatt." He certainly respected the Enderman hybrid's confidence, but oh did he hate losing. Quackity only pushed a few chips to the center, not matching Ranboo's bet.

Tubbo loved watching his husband focus in like this, but having the ghost of his dead dad and former president in the room was unsettling, to say the least.

The ghost ram concluded that the round had ended. Slowly, he reached out and flipped the last card over. An Ace of spades, a 2 of diamonds, a Jack of spades, a 5 of hearts, and a 10 of spades.

Quackity glanced down at his hand: A 5 of diamonds and a 5 of clubs. He glanced back and forth at the two groups of cards.

Breathe out, Quackity.

He looked up across the table to see Tubbo failing to hide a cheeky smile.


Examining the cards closely, he figured out what he could do. The gambler revealed his cards, setting them down on the table. "Three of a kind."

Ranboo kept his expressionless face as he revealed his hand. A King of spades and a Queen of spades. The small goat boy grinned even wider.

Glatt spoke out slowly, hoping to not anger Quackity any further. "Royal flush." He pushed the pile of chips towards Ranboo, the winner.

Ranboo put his chin in the palm of his hand, smiling smugly. "Wanna play another round, Big Q?" He wasn't even trying to be gentle with his tone, flicking his words at the other. It was like the Enderman hybrid owned the casino instead.

Quackity started to stand up, reaching for his abyssal scythe, agitated and angered. Glatt quickly floated over to the gambler and put his hands on the gambler's shoulders. "Don't don't don't. He won fair and square. Just let him leave."

Quackity scowled up at the ghost ram, the blackened scar moving up with his top lip. It took him a minute before responding with a simple "Fine."

The gambler moved around Glatt and leaned forward on the table. "Let's play another round, Ranboo. But this time, with a twist."

The Enderman hybrid raised an eyebrow and Tubbo stood up straighter.

"We're betting on our lives."

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