A Train Fucking Out Of Here

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TW! For blood and swearing

Wilbur was talking to Schlatt and Mexican Dream casually when the brunette was yanked out of the void area and to his limbo. The cold, desolate train station whose only riders were recently deceased people, so the station was empty. He didn't want to be here again, the uncertainty of how long he would have to stay there shaking him to his core. He even took company with his rival and an annoying bitch over this hell hole.

Wilbur spun around, glancing around the train station to see if anything had changed. Nothing, just the same grey brick and concrete floor. There were no stairs out of here.

He was about to sink to the floor again when the roar of an approaching train cut through the tunnel. His first thought was that it was a taunt train, whose doors wouldn't open for the brunette, who teased him with a way out of his limbo. But he felt a small spark of hope rise in his chest, a feeling he resented and thought he had put out long ago.

Wilbur stood behind the yellow caution line and leaned forward, staring down the tunnel for the train. Bright, piercing headlights made the man reel back, his hand darting up to cover his eyes. Peeking out through his fingers, he could see the conductor through the glass. The stylish outfit threw him off at first, but that white mask and the painted smile was a dead giveaway.

"Dream? The fuu-?"

The sound of the train horn cut him off, Wilbur cursing under his breath at the conductor. The train eventually pulled to a stop, and the doors slid open in front of him. Standing in the train, exactly in front of him, was a desaturated...ghost of Wilbur? He was crying, the grey skin melting and steaming at the contact of the tears. The ghost was rubbing his eyes on the back of his hands constantly, even to the point where his hands had begun melting. The ghost stumbled forward and onto the station platform before crumbling down to his knees.

Wilbur stared down at the ghost, the sounds of heavy sobs and hiccups becoming deafening. He was mumbling words in between the sad noises, ones that Will couldn't make out.

The brunette's attention was snapped up when he saw the conductor lean on the train door before him. Wilbur's eyes met the painted dots of the mask.

"You coming or not, pretty boy?"

Dream seemed to almost smirk under the mask from the little bit that Wilbur could see.

"What the fuck is this?" Wilbur began walking forward, around the sobbing ghost of himself, and closer to the train. Dream put his hand out like he was expecting something.

"Ticket please."

"Ticket-?" Wilbur started instinctively patting his trench coat pockets to look for something, anything. "The hell do you mean by ticket?" The brunette's hand felt a piece of thin paper in his pocket and pulled it out. It was just like a train ticket, but with a ':)' on it and green bars across the top and bottom. He carefully handed it to Dream, who nodded and it disappeared. The masked conductor gestured towards the inside of the train, inviting Wilbur in.

Wilbur felt his feet leave the concrete platform and step onto the metal floor of the train. The spark that ignited in his chest suddenly turned to a match light. The brunette glanced around, turning around to see the ghost of him still crying on the ground. Dream had begun walking away towards the conductor cab.

"Friends...don't hurt...but he said that I would...no no no."

The doors closed in his face as Wilbur listened to the blubbering. The train started to pull away from the station. He saw a glimpse of Schlatt watching the train leave from the platform, and Mexican Dream running towards the ghost of himself.

They had completely left the station and were surrounded by void, by darkness. Nothing existed outside the windows. Wilbur found himself sitting down on one of the cushioned seats, a pleasant surprise.

Dream had left the conductors cab and walked back to go speak with Wilbur.

"How you feeling?"

Will's hand moved up to his chest and gripped the cloth. He couldn't find the words to describe his emotions. He felt numb on the surface, but deep down was a burning pile of emotions. The brunette looked up at Dream. "What's happening?"

The masked conductor chuckled to himself and crossed his arms over his chest. "You'll know." His tone was ever so smug, so proud of himself. Wilbur couldn't help a small scowl from tugging at his mouth.

They stayed silent for a few moments before Dream beckoned Wilbur to stand up. "You need a quick change. Torn clothes just don't suit you." Wilbur complied. "Says the guy wearing a tux with slacks." The brunette waited for Dream to do something, but he just stood there, staring. He could feel the other's eyes behind the mask.

"Are you tryna fuck me with your gaze or sumthin'?" Wilbur snorted, albeit nervously. He looked down after a few moments and saw his clothes had already changed. A shorter coat with buckles across the front, a darker yellow sweater, and clean black pants. Will looked down at his gloves and saw the new leather that covered most of his hand.

"What in the-...!" Wilbur was cut off by a sudden sharp pain in his left upper arm. Dream had driven a dagger into his arm, blood dribbling out past the cold blade. "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!"

Dream pushed his weight into the knife, forcing Wilbur to sit back down. The brunette got a glimpse past the mask, seeing the man's green eye that was almost glowing. Dream pulled the knife out and wrapped a white bandaged around the wound.

"Sorry. I had to get some blood."

Wilbur wasn't paying attention, now staring at the bandage with blood soaking into it in shock. "I can bleed?" He muttered almost to himself as he felt Dream's hand grab a tuft of his hair. "Wait, Dream. Are you...am I?" He couldn't spit out the sentence, but Dream understood.

"I may have pulled the card a bit early, but it was needed."

The match light and small burning pile in Wilbur's chest had turned into a roaring flame, an explosion of bright orange and red. He felt he could just kiss the mask that had saved him from limbo.

"Dream..." A moment of silence hung in the still air between the next words. "You're my fucking hero."

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