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Sapnap and Karl were sitting on a bench in Kinoko Kingdom. The brunette was leaning on Sapnap, his head resting on the other's shoulder. It was the middle of the night, and they should've been asleep, but they wanted to take a walk first.

The blaze-borne was thinking about a lot of things. Why Quackity didn't come to Kinoko with them, why Karl seemed so distant, why George always wanted to go to sleep, why there were rumors about Dream breaking out of Pandora's Vault.

The silence between them was broken with a sentence falling out of Sapnap's mouth.

"Would you die for me, Karl?"

The brunette looked up at Sapnap with a gentle smile. His goggles reflected the light from the moon, making one of the glass lenses appear monochromatic.

Karl opened his mouth, staring Sapnap in his eyes.


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