A Mother's Concern

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TW! For blood, mention of death

Right after the Red Banquet

Captain Puffy paced up and down the prime path after Purpled has dug everyone out to the surface. She couldn't stop replaying the scenes of her son being sacrificed and her hands killing her red-eyed friend. Her red dress shifted against her legs as she paced, letting her mind race.

Puffy knew she had to find her son as soon as possible, to know he was alright. Her hooves clicked against the wood as she bolted towards the community portal. The sheep nearly tripped on her dress countless times, but she didn't want to go back and change. She didn't have time.

Eret had watched Puffy dart away. They knew where the pirate sheep was going, and she almost didn't want to follow, but something started moving her feet in the same direction. He felt like he owed it to the god that sacrificed himself.

Eret trailed behind Puffy as they trekked through the nether. The monarch had to hold their dress up so he wouldn't trip over the fabric. Captain Puffy was too distracted by the sound of her heart hammering in her ears to notice the person following her.

As soon as her hooves hit the gravel and sand, The pirate sheep took off towards the grand summer home. Not long after, Eret stepped through the same portal. He paused to take in the marvelous structures that were built by hand. They felt a fuzzy memory jog loose from the deep corner of her mind. The monarch couldn't recall it exactly at the moment, but they felt like the buildings were familiar.

Captain Puffy scampered into the temple. Somehow, a few grains of sand had managed to get into her dress. She scowled at the feeling as she glanced around. A trail of glimmering blood lead towards the left wall. A lever attached to the wall, a bloody handprint making it shine. The sheep flicked the lever to the on position and a narrow doorway opened in front of her.

More blood led into the secret room. Puffy carefully stepped, looking closer at a small pool of blood. Liquid gold mixed in the deep red, the two colors swirling around each other. The pirate sheep worried her bottom lip between her teeth.

Walking further in, past the zombie piglin guards, she saw how delicately, how meticulously, her son had built it all. The hallway leading to stairs were covered in expensive materials. The trail of her son's blood led her further down. Captain Puffy stepped carefully, not wanting to scratch the pretty floor.

Flights of stairs eventually led her to the end that opened to a vast room, a gigantic statue sat in the very back. The speckling blood led to a tall figure hunched over in front of the statue. The figure was kneeling on the floor, facing away from the entrance.

"Foolish!" Puffy cried out, dashing over to him.

The totem shark god snapped his head up and looked over his shoulder. "Mom!"

Puffy fell to the ground in front of Foolish, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. The god wiped away the corner of his mouth quickly before wrapping his arms around the sheep. "Puffy! Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?"

Captain Puffy shook her head quickly. "Who cares about me?! Are you okay, my duckling?" The waterworks had already let loose for the mother.

Foolish dragged his thumbs across the sheep's cheeks, wiping her tears away. "I'm okay! I'm alright now!" He assured her. "What about you? And the others? Is Eret okay?"

Eret couldn't help but let out a heart-warmed chuckle. "I'm alright, Foolish." The god glanced over to the monarch. They leaned against the entrance, panting softly. "Think about shortening that stairway, hm?"

Foolish felt tears prick his emerald eyes. He peeled away from Puffy's arms and stood up shakily. The totem shark god stumbled over to Eret and met him halfway. Foolish pulled the white-eyed person into a tight hug, smothering the smaller man. They embraced each other for a while until Foolish pulled away.

"So you're okay...a-are the others? Are they okay?" Eret nodded at the questions, the shark god heaving a sigh of relief.

"What happened after I-...y'know." He didn't wanna say it outright, but the monarch understood. Puffy and Eret caught Foolish up on what happened afterwards.

Foolish was nodding slowly, his thumb on his chin, thinking. Eret's hand moved to the arm of his sunglasses.

"But, you know what, Foolish?"

The god looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. Eret pulled her sunglasses off, their white eyes staring at Foolish.

"I think I'm starting to remember, even just a little bit."

A/N wtf Puffy I wrote this the day before you decide to become a villain I am mad >:( /j

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