An Angel Of Death 3/4

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Part 3/4

CW for mentions of death and soul-reaping

It was dark and he was almost out of the forest when Philza felt a presence behind him. Reaching for his scythe, he spun around quickly. It was only Kristin, his wife and the Goddess of Death. Her form only took place in the moonlight peeking through the leaves, her pale skin and soft features illuminated.

"Calm down. It's only me, Philza." She smiled sweetly.

The winged man sighed and pulled his hand away from the handle of the weapon. "Is there something you need to tell me, my love?" He felt like he already knew the answer to that question though.

The crows started chatting among themselves again.

"Ooo Dadza in trouble"

"Mumza knew he got side bitches."

"Peeps stop making things up and shut it!"

The Goddess folded her hands in front of her torso. "Eleanor Green, was it?"

Philza felt a knot start to twist itself in his stomach. He nodded slowly, feeling the weight of his abyssal scythe on his back.

Kristin looked to the ground solemnly. "I'm sorry it has to be you, my darling." She knew that her husband would piece it together. He was keen like that, but maybe it wasn't always for his own good.

The winged man felt a lump clog his throat, his tongue filling his dry mouth. "Why can't it be someone else?"

The Goddess looked up at her husband, her eyes genuinely full of sorrow. "You're the only one close enough. You know this song and dance, my beloved, for it's been playing on repeat."

Philza gritted his teeth, knowing Kristin was right. "Can't really make a deal with the Goddess of Death when she's your wife, can you?" He joked half-heartedly.

Kristin let out a small, sad chuckle. "Guess not." The moonlight started to shift from it's spot in the trees, telling the Goddess it was almost time for her to go. "Eleanor's time ends by tomorrow night."

The crows flew around Kristin, cawing at her. She giggled and held out her hand for them to land on. They obliged and she gave the quick pecks on their little heads. The Goddess looked up at her husband, who returned the glance, and ran over to him. She gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek before disappearing into a wisp on smoke.

Philza felt himself smiling weakly with the lump still growing in his throat as the crows squawked their goodbyes into the night.




Philza went back to Eleanor's house, the old lady greeting him. They chatted for a little bit before she went to her bedroom and Phil went to the cramped guest bedroom that doubled as storage. He cracked open the dusty, untouched window to say goodnight to the crows before crawling into bed, his scythe leaning against the frame. He fell asleep staring at the weapon that was heavy with emotional weight, souls that the blade had reaped swirling inside.

I've been through this song and dance before, for it's been playing as long as I can remember.

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