An Angel Of Death 2/4

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Part 2/4

A tad bit of swearing

The two of them were walking around the village, catching up. Philza noticed Eleanor stealing glances at the abyssal scythe on his back. She did the same thing way back then. She was so intrigued by it.

They had stopped in front of the path to the forest when the old lady reached out to try and touch the weapon on Phil's back. A crow squawked loudly and the traveler noticed just in time. He jumped back quickly, her fingers just inches away from touching the blade.

"What are you doing, Ellie?" He asked, his demeanor completely serious.

She grumbled and leaned forward on her cane. "Come on, you never let me touch it back then! It was like you always had a sixth sense when you were asleep and I would try to touch it."

A crow repeated a phrase from earlier, the phrase catching on with the rest of the group.


Philza was literally so close to yelling at the murder of birds, but kept his focus on Eleanor. "I'm not going to let you."

The old lady sighed. "Fine, have it your way. Go visit the protector now, Philza."

The winged man nodded and started moving towards the forest edge, not turning his back to the lady. "I'll be back before midnight, I promise."

They said their goodbyes and parted ways. Once she was out of earshot, Philza let loose on yelling at the murder as he walked.

"I swear to god, I will bonk the shit out of you idiots!" He shook his fist at the crows, who flew up above his reach and started mocking him. Philza scoffed, "Oh yeah? You motherfuckers aren't the only ones with wings, need I remind you." The crows dared Phil to do it, saying he wouldn't try it.

The traveler let out a laugh and spread his wings, flying up to the rest of the murder, who screamed, "SCATTER!" and all flew in different directions. Philza chased after them, deeper into the forest, expertly dodging trees. He bonked at least a few of the crows before giving up and settling back down to the ground.

Eventually, the rest of the murder came back, but not without yelling for Kristin.




The murder and Philza heard Kristin's voice echo to them, "Well, you probably deserved it." The crows started crying at that. Phil sighed and shook his head, continuing to walk further into the forest.

It was well past noon as Philza came across the familiar landmark. An old golden bell sitting above a stone, attached to a branch that was bent in a weird way. He glanced around for any signs of the guardian and saw none. A few of the crows used the branch as a perch, nearly knocking the bell around. Phil shooed them off  and sat down on the forest floor, a twig snapping under him. He was still barefoot, but didn't mind. His wooden getas would only cause problems if he wore them out here.

He crossed his legs under him and laid his scythe on the ground next to him. Closing his eyes, he started meditating. It was a good idea to clear the person of any negative intentions before awakening the protector. Some of the crows landed on Phil's shoulders and arms, meditating with the man.

After a little while, the Philza stood up and brushed the dirt and leaves off of his outfit. The crows jumped off of him and down to the ground. "Alright, that should do it." The winged man told himself before reaching out for the bell. He held it in his palm and shook it a few times, the ringing sound echoing seemingly forever across the forest.

Silence fell after the ringing, and then the ground started to quake ever so slightly. The crows flapped their wings and went up to the sky, visibly startled. They started yelling for Philza to come up there with him, but he simply stayed on the ground. More birds that weren't from the murder flew across the sky and forest animals zoomed past the man's feet. Foxes, raccoons, and squirrels all ran past him, coming from the direction he was facing.

The scythe was still on the ground and a raccoon stepped on the blade, crying out in pain before limping away. It would be dead within a matter of minutes and it's soul would be delivered to the afterlife well before it's time, unfortunately.

Philza was only expecting the one protector, but was greeted with a small one first. Small for it's size, anyways. It was slightly taller than Phil, fresh alliums and other flowers sprouting along its grassy back. It's eyes were black beads and it didn't have a mouth. Most of its body was smooth rock and iron. It came from the earth, just like any other protector.

"Well hello there!" Philza greeted the child protector, even though he knew it didn't understand him, he still thought it was necessary.

Then, the ground rumbled, footsteps echoing across the forest floor. The crows were still watching from above, clearly in a state of panic. The winged traveler looked up and was greeted with a larger protector. The same one from all those years ago. It's body was cracked rock by now, some gem ores scattered across the surface of it. It's back was covered in moss, dead leaves, and small trees.

Philza chuckled to himself and joyfully waved at the old protector, who waved back at the man. Phil flapped his jet black wings and rose up to say hi to his old pal.

"Hey, mate! You remember me?" He floated right in front of the protector's face. The guardian nodded slowly, and Phil laughed and did a little spin, his arms outstretched. "It's wonderful to see you again, mate! You even got a kid? That's sick!"

Philza was overjoyed. He could see the protector's beady little eyes glimmer with the same emotion. The winged man flew back a few paces to get a better view of his rocky friend.

It's even aged too...

The protector held it's cracked nubby hand out, as if offering a hug. Philza smiled and hugged the cracked rock, keeping his wings flapping for extra support.

The smaller guardian below them started jumping up and down, shaking the ground. The winged traveler laughed and let go of the bigger one, coming back down to the forest floor. Phil wrapped his arms around the child protector, the being of rock and iron hugging him back.

Philza knew he couldn't make conversation with the protectors, and dusk was starting to fall. He knew they wouldn't stay out for long, so he bid them farewell as they walked off, the ground shaking in their wake. The murder flew back down to Phil as soon as it was safe, screaming at him once again.

"Awww they looked so cute together!"


"How many side bitches does Dadza have: A poll"

Philza rolled his eyes and picked up his scythe, sticking it to his back once again. He started walking back to the village, the murder still swarming him with questions that needed answering.

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