Pandora's First-Time Visitor

37 1 4

TW! Fresh scars, swearing

George stared at the wall of lava in front of him, squinting behind his glasses. He curled and uncurled his fist as Warden Sam told him what to expect. What was George going to say to him? They hadn't talked for a while, not after he started getting those strange dreams and the other had been thrown in prison. His hands were cold and clammy and he was finding it hard to stand in one spot like Sam had instructed.

"Nervous?" Sam's voice snapped George out of his thoughts, the warden's hand resting on the lever.

George nodded ever so slightly. "A bit."

Sam hummed in sympathy. "Don't be. I'm sure you'll be fine."

George narrowed his eyes at the Warden. They all thought Tommy was going to be safe, and look what happened there. Sam gestured for George to stand on the iron block before pulling the lever. The lava came down to rest below the obsidian box. He could see the smiley face stare back as it made no attempt to get up from its resting place. The iron block started moving towards the box and George walked forward with it, not breaking eye contact with the prisoner.

He stepped off onto the obsidian and watched the barrier of iron blocks come down. The lava rose back up, locking both of them in there with each other.

Upon closer inspection, George could really see how much of a wreck he was. His mask was broken or cracked in several places, and his orange uniform was ripped, large fresh scars laying underneath. Glancing around the small box, he could see the sink water stained a deep red.

"You just gonna stand there?" The prisoner spoke up with bite in his voice.

George looked back at him, staring right at his one revealed green eye. "Honestly, I was planning to."

The prisoner scoffed and looked down at the floor. George thought back to his old friend, the skilled hunter that couldn't be brought down. Someone he looked up to. Now, George only saw a murderer with twisted abilities and a mind to match. He was no god. He wasn't DreamXD.

The prisoner brought his gaze back up to stare at George. "Why did you come here?"

George pulled his glasses off. "Just wanted to see you again, to see if what they said was really true."

The green eye squinted at him in confusion.

"You've changed, Dream."

Dream sighed and leaned his head back against the obsidian. "Sorry, I didn't know I'd stay the same!" His tone was laced with sarcasm. "And where were you, huh? Sleeping again?"

George crossed his arms over his chest. "At least they were better than this reality."

Dream started to get up, clearly agitated, but slipped back down to the floor while inhaling sharply through his teeth.

"Are you hurt?" George couldn't hide the concern in his voice for someone that didn't exist anymore.

"No! I'm fucking fine! What's it to you?" Dream snapped back. He was defensive and didn't see George as someone he could trust thanks to the guy that had been coming to "visit" Dream almost daily.

The colorblind man sighed and put his glasses back on.

"Leaving already?" Dream had a lonely look in his eyes.

George felt his heart pang with guilt. "I think I should be going. I have other things to do."

Dream, using a hand against the wall as leverage, managed to stand up. He pulled George into a loose hug, the colorblind man hesitantly wrapping his arms around the prisoner. After a few moments, Dream patted the other's back and whispered into his ear.

"I'll be seeing you again, very, very soon, George. I promise you."

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