Bloody Clothes

36 1 2

Teehee Past SBI family tingz

TW! For blood, teeth

Philza was sat on the porch, peacefully watching his two sons play in the front yard. It was a sunny day and Wilbur wanted to play with Technoblade, his adopted piglin brother. Techno was chasing the brunette boy around, the two of the weaving in between trees. Some of the crows were following the two boys, playing with them and squawking.

Philza got up and went inside the house as he heard the baby crying. Tommy had woken up from his nap. He learned Tommy was terrified of being alone. The winged father swaddled the infant in his arms, sitting down in the nearby chair and slid a music disc into the jukebox. Mellohi started playing and it seemed to immediately soothe Tommy.

Phil sat there for a while until he heard frantic pecking at the window, the crows yelling at him to go outside and help Wilbur. The blonde man set the sleepy infant down in his crib and ran outside. The rest of the murder was frantically chirping, many of them around the two boys.

Philza walked quickly over to them. Wilbur had one hand on the trunk of a tree and the other hand over his mouth. Technoblade was telling his brother to not cry and asking if he broke a tooth. Their winged father crouched down and pulled Wilbur's hand away. The palm of the young boy's hand was covered in blood and a full tooth did indeed come out. The boy's nose was bleeding, as well as his mouth, all over his clothes.

Phil's voice remained steady. "Did you hit the tree, Will?" His son looked up, tears brimming in his eyes, and nodded. Philza picked Wilbur up into his arms and carried him inside the house. He cleaned his brunette son up, changed him into clean clothes, put a cotton swab on the bloody gums, everything he could do.

The winged man had left Wilbur's bloody clothes outside the bathroom as they cleaned up. When Phil opened the door to go get medicine for his son, he noticed the clothes had disappeared. Philza stalked slowly into the kitchen.

Technoblade was standing by the stove, small blue flames sitting underneath a big metal pot. The piglin boy was stirring whatever was in the pot with a wooden spoon.

"Techno...? Whatcha doing, bubs?" Phil approached his adopted son cautiously. The small piglin looked up at his father as he continued stirring, not saying a word.

Philza squinted and raised an eyebrow before peering into the pot. Wilbur's bloodied clothes were submerged in deep red water.

...What else was I expecting?

The winged man turned back to the piglin, who grinned with his still-growing tusks glinting. "I need his blood, Father. I need it for my poison."

Philza sighed and put his hands up in defeat. "Alright, do what ya want. I ain't stopping you." He shuffled past his piglin son and reached into the cupboard to grab some painkiller tablets.

Walking back to the bathroom, he opened the door and saw Wilbur just sitting on the counter, swinging his legs back and forth. He smiled at his father, the cotton swab already bloody.

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