High Stakes

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TW! Mentions of past abuse, scars, yelling, gambling

Quackity was sitting on a chair in his casino. His routine gambling in Las Nevadas was interjected with visits to Pandora's Vault. A few people stopped by the casino daily, but they were ones that could afford to lose things. He wanted ones that were on their last canon life, ones that were dangling from a string as thin as Quackity's own sanity.

The gambler rubbed his face with his hands and let it sit like that for a while. He felt the cold metal of his wedding band against his scarred cheekbone. Pulling his hands away, he stared at the engagement ring. It was for Sapnap and Karl, his two wonderful fiancés.

Unconsciously, he started scowling at the thought of them. They had forgotten him, left him behind. Of course he would be pissed off.

He started working the ring off of his finger, pausing when he saw the scar of the burned ring underneath. Schlatt did that, when they got married. He burned a metal band until it was glowing and clasped it to Quackity's finger. The gambler remembered hearing himself scream and cry out.

Quackity got startled at hearing Schlatt's voice echo next to his ear. He didn't process what the ram said, only turning and punching where the voice had come from. His mind was in a frenzy.

Glatt chuckled and moved to the side, his form slipping around Quackity's shaking fist and reforming. "What were you thinking about?"

Quackity let out a shaky breath and slid back into his chair. "Nothing. You just scared me is all." He stared at the floor, holding his head in his hands.

Glatt hummed and floated around Quackity. "Do you have the book yet, pumpkin?"

The gambler sighed and closed his eyes. "No. And I told you, it's not a book anymore. It's just information."

Glatt hummed again, this time sounding disappointed. "Ghostbur's not around anymore. Can't even feel his presence."

Quackity opened his eyes slowly and lifted his head up, his chin resting his in hands now. "What the hell do you mean?"

The ghost ram let out a short laugh. "I mean, Wilbur's disappeared from the afterlife."

Their conversation was cut short as a new person entered the casino. Quackity stood up and snapped his suspenders, looking to the entrance. A blaze-borne with a white bandana around his head and a brunette wearing a vividly-colored hoodie.

The gambler scoffed and put his hands on the gambling table, leaning forward. He didn't think these two would show up. "And what are we gambling for today, love birds?" He sneered.

The brunette seemed confused to be there, clinging to the blaze-borne's arm. The man of fire spoke up. "Quackity. Come to Kinoko Kingdom with us, leave Las Nevadas behind."

The gambler let out a laugh. "Now now, Sapnap. I can't just leave my city behind! Unlike how you left me behind."

Glatt had disappeared from sight but was still watching this event unfold.

The brunette clenched Sapnap's sleeve tighter. "Please? I promise to remember you this time."

Quackity slammed his fist down onto the table and yelled out, "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE FORGOTTEN ME IN THE FIRST PLACE, KARL!!"

Both of the men flinched back and the gambler let out a heavy sigh. "Look, how about this?" He paused to take off his wedding ring and held it in front of his eye, staring through the hole at the two lovers. "We gamble. The stakes are: If I lose, I go to Kinoko Kingdom with you two and leave this all behind. If you two lose, however, I take one of your canon lives each."

The two lovers shared a look. Karl had two lives remaining and Sapnap had all three lives. They were about to agree before Quackity added another term. "Or, if I'm feeling like it, I'll take two canon lives from just one of you."

Karl worried his bottom lip between his teeth. Sapnap sighed and glanced back to Quackity. "So, we gamble for your love, you gamble for our lives."

Quackity walked around the table and held his hand out for Sapnap to shake, the other one still holding the ring. "Do we have a deal?"

The blaze-borne hesitated before taking the gambler's hand and shaking it. Quackity felt a grin spread across his face. This was what he had been looking for.

"Glatt! Get down here and deal for us, you useless ghost!" Quackity yelled to the ceiling, the ghost ram grumbling and floating down, beginning to shuffle the deck.

The gambler walked back over to his side of the table. "Sapnap, you're good at Poker."

The blaze-borne nodded his head, sitting down in the seat in front of him. Karl stood off to the side, leaning on the blaze's shoulder and staring at Glatt. Did he recognize the ghost?

Glatt glanced back with a scowl and dealt out the cards. Of course, he swayed it in Quackity's favor. He couldn't have his only chance at coming back to life be ripped away by those two.

The insane gambler threw his ring into the middle of the table and Sapnap pushed two chips towards the center. The gambling chips both had Quackity's signature ':]' on them.

Quackity's voice rang out across the otherwise empty casino.


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