An Uneasy Dream

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No triggers this time round. Continuation of "Pandora's First-Time Visitor" because it was requested.

George sighed as he crawled into his bed. He had just gotten home from his visit with Dream in Pandora's Vault. A knot of dread had tied itself around in the colorblind man's stomach from the prisoner's last sentence. Dream promised George that they would see each other again very soon. In normal context, it would be endearing, but this was far from normal.

It didn't take long for George to fall asleep after curling up in the fetal position. He woke up in the dreamscape, exactly where he wanted to be. Crawling out of bed, he started strolling around.

It was getting easier to tell the difference between dreams and reality for George. Although, walking around the dreamscape this time, it was oddly quiet. His friends who were normally there, Niki and Bad, were nowhere to be found. There were no animals or mobs either. The wind was still.

George was unnerved by the empty noise. He was starting to wonder where the god in his dreamscape was when his glasses were pulled off of his face from behind. The colorblind man spun around and was face to face with the god.

"DreamXD! Give me my glasses back!" George ordered. The god started laughing and put the clout glasses on his face. He was in his more human form, the one with two bands crossed in front of his face like an x.

"Well, hello to you too, George!" DreamXD huffed back in his soft voice before letting out more fits of laughter. George reached out for his glasses but the mischievous god took them off and lifted them too high up for the smaller man to get.

George sighed and folded his arms over his chest. "Where are the others?" He could do without his glasses for now. The silence in the normally chaotic and loud dreamscape was startling to him.

DreamXD paused and looked around. Did he seriously not notice? "I dunno, actually." He spoke in his soft tone at first, then it shifted to his demonic voice. "Maybe they all left you, George."

The colorblind man didn't let the comment get to him, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm being serious, XD. It's too quiet here."

The god shrugged his shoulders and handed the glasses back to George. It was his soft voice that spoke, "I really don't know. This isn't how it normally is."

The smaller man cupped his own cheek in his hand. "I know, that's why I'm asking you. I figured you would know."

The god shook his head and shifted to his more angel-like form, floating up a bit to get a better survey of the area. George put his clout glasses back on and watched DreamXD. After a few minutes, the god came back down with his human form. George tilted his head with the look in his eyes that asked if he saw anything up there and XD shook his head.

George knew they weren't gonna figure out why so he decided to walk with the god. They were talking back and forth about nothing when suddenly an ear-piercing sound cut through the still air.

George brought his hands up to his ears, wincing. Shouting over the noise, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"

DreamXD looked to the sky, smiled to himself, and then shifted to his angel form. He leaned down so he was next to George's head and pulled his hands away from his ears. He spoke slowly and clearly so the colorblind man could hear him over the siren.

"It's time, George. You need to wake up now. You don't want to miss this one, trust me."

George looked the god in his eyes, confusion painted across his face. "What are you talking about?"

"Wake up, GeorgeNotFound."

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