Teaming Up

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CW! For weapons and threats

Roughly 24 hours before the Red Banquet

Las Nevadas. A casino that invited everyone in the world. Inside sat three men. Well, four if you include the ghost. They all sat around a green table, playing a card game. No chips were put on the table and nothing was bet. It was simply for time to pass.

They were playing Black Jack, a simple game. Quackity, the owner of the casino, held his two cards in his hand. A scar crept up the side of the owner's face. The beanie Quackity was wearing started to slip off his hair when he pulled it forwards, readjusting it.

The ghost ram, Glatt, worked as the dealer at the casino. He showed his two cards to the three men, the sum of which was 12. One other card remained hidden in the dealer's hand.

"So...the Red Banquet." Quackity started as he grabbed a card from the deck and put it in his unseen hand. One of the men grunted and the other one hummed. The gambler looked up at the two others sitting at the table.

A young mercenary with ash blonde hair and always wore a purple hoodie, and a piglin who donned a royal red cape and had his pink hair in a loose braid.

The mercenary didn't grab a card from the deck and offered for the piglin across from him to take his turn. "I'll be honest with you, Big Q. It all depends on how much you pay me."

Quackity rolled his eyes, stretching out in his chair. "Come on, Purpled. I doubt you actually wanna work for the Eggpire."

Purpled, the young mercenary, glanced over to Quackity and held his gaze. "I'm a freelancer. I'll work for just about anyone."

The piglin pulled two cards from the deck, grumbling at his hand. "Quackity. I'm about as against the Eggpire as you are, but working with you is the last thing I wanna do."

The three males put their final hands down and Glatt showed all three of his cards, which added up to 17. "The feeling is mutual, Technoblade." Purpled and Quackity both stayed under 21 while passing 17. Technoblade, on the other hand, passed 21 by a lot.

The piglin man scoffed and threw his cards towards the deck as Glatt reset for a new round. "But, we know how strong those lunatics are. Anything less than us three would be a suicide mission." Techno explained to the other two.

Quackity leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table. "My point exactly. So even if we are enemies," He paused to stare Technoblade in his blood pink eyes. "We will have to team up and work together."

Glatt dealt out the two cards to each player and then revealed his hand. He held a 15, a third card remaining hidden from the players.

Purpled grabbed his two new cards that were placed in front of him and looked at his hand. "Pay me first." The mercenary's tone was cool and nonchalant.

Quackity seemed to perk up. "And then you'll work with me, just this once?" The gambler didn't pay attention to the cards in his hand and grabbed blindly for another card.

Purpled nodded slowly. "Just this once." He watched Quackity's expression as it shifted to slight annoyance after seeing the new card he had grabbed.

Technoblade rested his head in the palm of his hand, no longer interested in the card game. "I'm not working for money. I'm only doing this so I can take down a problem before it gets out of hand."

The players revealed their cards after everyone was done. Glatt revealed his final hand, a 16, his third card being a simple Ace of Hearts. Quackity went over 21 this time, while Purpled's cards added up to 17. Technoblade was the only one who fell between the 16 and 21 without ever picking up a new card.

Quackity pushed off the table and leaned back in his chair. "Oh you have got to be fu-!" He was cut off by the chair losing balance. The gambler tumbled to the floor, curing under his breath.

Purpled chuckled and stood up with Technoblade, going over to Quackity, who didn't wanna get up. The two males held their hands out for the gambler on the ground. Quackity took their hands and they helped him up.

The gambler brushed himself off and glanced at the two of them. "So it's a deal, boys?"

The piglin and mercenary both nodded, but not without Purpled uttering a quiet, "Pay me, god dammit."

Quackity rolled his eyes and started walking towards the back of the casino. "Yeah yeah! Gimme a fucking minute. Just wait here." He pushed open a door that was 'Employees Only', but literally the only two employees here were himself and Glatt.

Quackity was looking through the chests for things to generously pay Purpled with when the door to the room swung open. He snapped his head over in that direction. Technoblade stood in the doorway, light peeking over his shoulders. Quackity got flashbacks to that day when he got that scar on half of his face.

"Listen Quackity." The piglin stalked over to the smaller man, who stood up straighter as the distance between them closed. Techno put an arm around Quackity's shoulder and pulled him in close, lowering his voice.

"If you betray me while we are doing this, I won't hesitate to give you another ugly scar." A pickaxe appeared in the piglin's hand to drive home his point. Quackity felt his hands get all cold and clammy. He knew the name of the pickaxe. He didn't need to ask.

Quackity swallowed thickly and let out a nervous chuckle. "Come on now, T-Technoblade! We have the same goal here. I wouldn't dare." He was completely serious. The thought of betraying the two of them didn't even come across his mind.

The cold netherite pressed against Quackity's jawline. "I'm just making sure." The piglin spoke but didn't take the pickaxe away from the gambler's skin.

Quackity was frozen still as he moved his gaze to look in the taller man's blood pink eyes. His one black and one faintly glowing blue eye examined Techno closely.

They both held that tense eye contact until the door to the room was opened. Purpled folded his arms in front of his chest. "Are you two done making out yet?"

The pickaxe disappeared into Techno's inventory swiftly and Quackity cleared his throat. "We weren't making out! What the hell?!" He was defensive after getting the shit scared out of him.

Purpled hummed and held his hand out. Quackity sighed and threw his payment in his direction. The mercenary seemed satisfied and walked out. As Technoblade and Quackity walked out of the backroom, they shared a glance, both seemingly thinking the same thoughts.

I wouldn't dare, so you shouldn't either.

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