Two Of The Same Breed

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TW! Scars, threats, sharp weapons

The zombie piglin wasn't allowed outside by his dads and he didn't understand why. He wanted to go outside and play with Fundy or Foolish, but they were rarely allowed to visit Micheal. His parents were very protective of him, naturally.

Micheal was watching the snow fall through the holes in the trapdoors when someone passed by the house. They kind of looked like Micheal, just without the rotting flesh. They were wearing a royal red gown and a golden crown. Long pink hair went down past their shoulders. Micheal made a small squeal, the person below snapping their head up and staring right at the zombie piglin.

Micheal covered his mouth and ducked under the window, hoping he wasn't going to be in trouble. He heard the front door creak open. He could hear their slow, deliberate footfalls as he cowered into the corner. The ladder up to his room creaked and the hatch was pushed open. Micheal was trembling as they stepped onto the wooden floor.

He was a piglin, slightly shorter than Ranboo. The axe they were holding was large and scary. He stepped closer to Micheal, who squealed loudly in an attempt to call one of his parents.

It worked, thankfully, as Ranboo heard his distressed cries and immediately teleported into Micheal's room and in front of the piglin. Ranboo opened his differently colored eyes and stared the intruder down.

"Technoblade...what are you doing here?" The Enderman hybrid spoke slowly. He wanted Techno out of his house before Tubbo arrived, knowing the goat boy heard their son's calls too.

Techno gripped the axe tighter in his hand, a cloud of hot breath billowing out his nose. "Why are you worried about what I'm doing, Ranboo?"

Ranboo scrunched his nose at being breathed on. "I'm worried because that's my son."

The piglin man lifted his axe up and rested it on his own broad shoulders. "So he's adopted? From where? The Nether?"

The Enderman hybrid nodded slowly, not knowing what his answer would bring. He looked down to Micheal, who had run over to his dad and was clinging to his leg.

There was a long moment of silence between the man and the boy before there was scrambling and panicked footsteps coming from downstairs. Micheal's chicken tried jumping down the open hatch and was thrown right back up by a pair of hands. The hands gripped the wood of the floor and lifted the rest of the body up. A brunette boy with small goat horns, floppy ears to match, and scarring all along the side of his neck and jaw.

Ranboo felt his heart sink to his stomach as Techno whipped around to see the new boy in the room. "Tubbo..."

Tubbo looked up and met Technoblade's blood pink eyes, a shiver running down the goat boy's spine.

The piglin man closed his eyes and scoffed with an irritated grin. "Ranboo...explain yourself." The atmosphere in the room just got a lot heavier. He was as keen as always.

Tubbo jumped in before Ranboo got the chance to say anything. "He doesn't have to explain anything! What the fuck are you doing in Micheal's room, Technoblade?!"

Micheal gripped his taller father's pants, feeling the tension between everyone grow stronger.

The piglin man opened his eyes slowly to look at the much shorter goat boy, who was fuming with anger. "I dunno, maybe I just wanted to say hi to someone of my own kind."

Tubbo stomped on the floor. "Bullshit! You wouldn't come here in peace with a giant fucking axe!"

Technoblade huffed and looked back at Ranboo before swinging his axe down and around to Tubbo's neck, the sharp netherite right against the scars from the colorful blast months ago. "Explain yourself or you are considered a traitor to the Syndicate."

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