The water park

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I called Kat over to my suitcase to decide which bikini to wear.She came over looking confused. "Why have you got so many bikinis?" She asked skanning over the 10 pairs of bikinis in front of her."you can never have too much bikinis, plus this is a 10 month tour ." I shrugged. She nodded before pointing to the leopard print bikini.I went to the bathroom and slipped it on.I decided on wearing a long baggy top over it. In my bag I placed, suntan lotion, an extra bikini, a pair of shorts, a best and a bottle of water.Niall entered the bathroom after knocking. "You ready babe?" He asked kissing my forehead. I nodded and picked up my bag. I was about to open the door when Niall pushed my hand away and opened it for me. God he really was being a gentleman. We all piled into the car. Squashing 10 of us in 7 seats but that was easily resolved I sat on Nialls lap, Harry and lily and Kat and Liam. After the 10 minute drive we finally arrived we all stumbled out of the car and went into the water park,it was huge. And it was all to ourselves. I'm glad they said they would close up because I didn't really feel like being harassed by fans again. I set my bag down by a sun lounger before Niall came up behind me and picked me up and picked me up he ran towards the deep pool with me in his arms. He threw me in the pool, "Niall , you bitch I didn't want to get my hair wet!" I screamed. Soon enough the boys had threw the girls in after me. After all the fuss we decided on revenge. We slid down a few slides. "Guys, come on we want a photo of one direction, go over there!" I said pointing underneath the giant bucket. Kat was at the top of the tower ready to tip the bucket. They stood posing for my phone, but I wasn't taking a photo I was recording. "One more!!" I screamed that was Kats question, she pressed the button and the bucket came tumbling over the water flying all over the boys soaking them, Harry ran around screaming "it to COLD!!!!" Me and the girls erupted in fits of laughter, while the rest of the boys came out shivering. "Karma is a bitch!" Kat screamed from the top of the tower. We went on the kamikaze slide next . We all slid down at high speed shouting. When I stood up at the bottom Niall and Harry started whistling at me. I gave them a confused look and realised my bikini was half way up my ass. "Perverts!" I laughed pulling them down. After going on countless slides and rides, we decided to go back to the hotel since it was already dark. We got back to the hotel and Niall pulled me on for a kids, we pulled apart when Harry burst in . "GUYS, GUYS I have an idea lets get drunk !!!" He screamed. Everyone came in to our Rome and chorused "party!" Niall was already on the phone to room service ordering drink. Soon after we were all drunk. The rest of the night was a blur except me lily, Harry and Niall playing ding dong ditch on other hotel rooms.
ZAYNS POV (flashback)
Everyone stumbled out of Nialls and Jamies room Louis and Layla having a PDA session against the wall. I unlocked my hotel room. Me and enya fell in. She pushed me against the wall and kissed me our tongues battling. She grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom , you know what happens next
End of flashback

so what'd you think of that ehh? Ship names for everyone;
Jamie and Niall : jailie
Harry and lily : larry or hily
Kat and Liam: kiam
Louis and Layla: lolya
Zayn and enya: zenya

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