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I don't know what is going to happen between me and zayn, I mean we were drunk last night but I'd hardly say I don't like him. He's laying in his bed next to me, he looks so innocent and peaceful when he's sleeping. His eyes flutter open , I quickly squeeze mine shut. I open one a little bit he's smiling at me and curses under his breath ! Why did he do that? I opened my eyes, I stretched and yawned." Good morning" I said in a raspy voice. " hey ' he returns. Louis came into the room. "Hey guys , were going to , ohhh , umm , I'll just leave, sorry." He mumbled when he saw us. I nodded at him. "Lou, wait , I need to speak to you, about, well, um something." He called.
" what's up mate, I mean you look pretty busy, it's 9 o'clock now, we have a concert today, you're lucky we don't have rehearsal until 1." He said.
"I can't,mate." I replied.
"Can't what" he asked
"I can't be with her." I said as my voice cracked
"What, why?!" He said loudly
"Because, I haven't gotten over perrie, I mean we were together forever, we were engaged , I'm still heartbroken Lou , she cheated on me she broke me, she led me on.." I said as I started to cry.
"Look, zayn , take your time , don't rush if you don't want to," Louis advised . I nodded took a deep breath and entered my bedroom aswell

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