The truth comes out

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So I decided to update since literally all I'm doing is sitting in my bedroom watching the 1d film over and over again. Because I decided to give up my social life to hide in my room and be a directioner I thought why not write about my husbands?
"I'm sorry I let this happen to you, if I hadn't have asked you to sing then none of this would've happened ,god I'm a terrible fiancé." I cried to jamie as she lie in her bed limply. "It's not your fault." She mumbled. "im sorry Mr Horan but you have to leave now as we need to prepare Jamie for her operation." The nurse said as she opened the door for me to leave I pouted and exchanged I love yous with Jamie as I left. I sat in the waiting room with my head in my hands. "Niall, mate, we have a concert tonight and the girls can't perform without..." Louis began. "No, put the tour on hold until Jamie has fully recovered, ask someone to book us in a hotel or rent a flat forra bit I don't know but just sort things out." I replied. He nodded and left me. Enya moved a seat closer to me and put her head on my shoulder. "It's okay, handsome." She cooed. Handsome really? Was she flirting? I shifted in my seat as she played with my hair. My eyes glazed over before I knew it tears made their way down my cheek. She got up and straddled herself on my legs. she wrapped her arms around my neck and said " it's okay , awww, your strong , I'll always be here for you babe" I blinked at her, and shoved her off my lap. She pouted. "Seriously? What the fuck enya My fiancé is in there having a life or death operation, and all you can think of is flirting with me, you bitch." I shouted and stormed off. I leaned against the wall in the lobby tugging at the roots of my hair. "Mate, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but enya was behind this ," zayn said. "What?" I shouted. "Look, she was acting suspicious so I decided to follow her and she met up with some girl before the concert and organised it, I confronted her but she convinced me it wasn't true, she paid a fan to throw the water at Jamie ."He explained. My face turned red and anger boiled up inside me. "THAT FUCKING BITCH, ILL KILL HER I SWEAR!" I screeched running to the waiting room were enya had her arms wrapped around Louis. I grabbed her by the collar of her top and pulled her up off the chair, I stood her up in front of me. "You , you bitch, get the fuck out now, out of the tour, out of the band away from all of us, you tried to kill her YOU TRIED TO KILL MY JAMIE." I bellowed. She smirked as she squirmed out of my grip and strolled out of the hospital. Everyone gave me puzzled looks and I pointed to zayn he explained and Kat left.
That little , little UGH ? I'll kill her . my best friend how could she do that to my best friend? I sat on the bench by a little pond outside the hospital. How could I be so naive it was obvious. "Kat baby , come here." Liam said as he sat next to me. He held me close to him. "We will sort this out." He said. "How?" I asked. Liam got his phone out. "Hello... Hey kev.... How's it going.... Yeah... I'm fine... Yes her names katrina...I know mate... She's caring, loving, beautiful... Yeah your right there... I did get lucky... Look kev, I need a favour... Yeah I know.... No listen... I understand.... So enya one of the girls in the support group hired someone to attempt to kill or badly injure Jamie Nialls girlfriend , yeah they were band mates... Okay... Thanks kev... Bye" Liam talked into the phone. He hung up, "she's gonna be in jail soon." Liam said to me. "Thanks" I cried.
I woke up feeling groggy and tired. Niall was sitting next to me crying. He shot up and embraced me in a hug. "You're okay!" He said. I nodded briefly.

So that was it what'd you think? Enya was pretty sly tho.
Erin xx

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