bus journey

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After last nights concert we are all still tired since we had to get up at 5am  to travel to the next  concert, when we get there we have the rest of The day off. We just got on the tour bus and I was carrying Jamie because she was falling asleep in the elavator. We were all still in our pyjamas. I carefully put Jamie n the armchair but she still had her arms wrapped aroudnd my shoulders. "cuddle with me ." she mumbled. i nodded grabbed a blanket I picked her up and sat down with her sprawled across my lap with her legs hanging over the chair. I wrapped my arms around her and we both drifted off to sleep. I woke up to see no one but hear a series of snores , they must be sleeping, since the curtains of the beds are around them. I smiled at Jamie peacefully sleeping. I mustve fallen asleep again when I was woken by Jamie screaming and crying. I wrapped myself around her protectively. "shhhh, baby girl, its fine whats wrong?" I asked lovingly. She looked up with me her eyes shone with fear. " M-my d-dream." she stuttered. "what happened babe?" i said caressing her cheek. "i-i dreamt that i-i l-lost y-you" she said tears rolling down her cheeks again. " I would never leave you. I love you too much." I said wiping her tears away as she snuggled back down into my chest.We watched a movie on the portable tv and finally got up. I went to the kitchen and brought some pop tarts in we ate them and went back to sleep. I woke up and everyone was still snoring. I realized that the bus was now parked outside of a hotel, I gently shook Jamie to wake her up.She groaned and Then sat up rubbing her eyes. "where are we?" she asked in a raspy voice. "parked out side the hotel." I answered moving her off my lap carefully. "Whats that ?" she pointed to a note. which read: To everyone, weve gone out since its our day off too, the room keys are in the lobby of the hotel , the bus keys are in the glove box , please dont be foolish, make sure none of you die, lock the tour bus if you leave.


"Its a note basically saying grab the things we need and put them in our hotel room, lock the bus and do whatever we want, oh and make sure no one dies. " I replied. She nodded her head and woke everyoone up. "COCADOODLEDO!!!!!" She shouted in order for them to wake up after we explained to them we decided to go to the water park. we phoned them and they said that they would close the park so we wouldnt get kidnapped or anything by fans.

yep so this is a crappy filler chapter but I promise theres going to be more action in the next chappy.  spoiler alert ZAYN AND ENYA. Ive already updated three times today as im ill and have nothing better to d. haha.

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