Chapter 21: Spells of wind

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"I don't understand. If the walker eat the living, do you eat the walkers?" Castiel asked Rick as the continued in conversation. But before he could answer, the door opened. It was Carl coming in. "He's up!" Lots of people yelled. He looked confused, so Rick told him what happened. "You've been asleep for three days." he explained. Carl felt a sign of relief, but yet all felt weird. "Oh wow." Carl said taking his hands out of his pockets. "Maybe I should get doctor Cameron-" Rick began but Carl didn't have to think before answering. "No! Er I mean I'm good dad." he saved quickly not wanting to raise any questions. "What have I missed?" He added. "Well we found the spell we need to get back." Dean said before anyone else could. Carl felt a little disappointed that it probably meant they were leaving, but also happy that they didn't have to live in this world anymore. "That's great for you guys." He said showing a rye smile. "I've go all the ingredients here." Castiel said holding up a wooden bowl filled with different urbs and such. Just Castiel didn't tell them one thing. He wasn't exactly sure this was he right spell. He found a trail of these items that seemed to fit the spell, Bit Castiel didn't think it was important to mention. "Are you ready?" Sam asked standing up next to them. "As ready as I'll ever be." Dean whispered thinking about all the walkers. Everyone watched as Castiel crumbled something into the bowl while Sam said foreign words. They finished, but nothing happened. "What's going on?" Dean asked. "Ooh we need human hair right. Carl- come here."Dean quickly added. Carl slowly walked forwards, and then Dean ripped out a piece of hair. "Owe!" Carl grumbled at him. Then Dean dropped the hair in the bowl, causes a giant gust of wind. Just when the three thought they were leaving, they were wrong. The wind surrounded Carl, until it grew the size of him. Carl screamed, and Rick yelled, "Carl!" But it was to late, Carl had disappeared out of thin air.

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