Chapter 29: Places and People

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"Hey." I said as Kaitlin walked in. She just sat down and smiled and laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. She slugged down in a chair, and said, "That fact that your still alive." "Oh thanks for the support." We both laughed. We talked for a while, when her dad stepped in. "Honey can I talk to Carl for a sec?" He asked her. It took her a moment, but she sighed as she stood up. Right before she left, she winked at me as her dad came over to me. Then, Karen came in too.
"Thanks for joining Karen. So Carl sorry to disturb you, but i have a couple questions. Is that alright?" He asked. "I don't know, last time you said that you arrested my dad, but whatever." I said proving I was still mad at him. I mean, what's his right to pry into my life for no reason to?
He sighed iterated, and asked, "So in the night of your accident, what exactly happened?"
I looked at Karen and her dad eyes. Should I tell the truth? Should I lie? I needed to free Karen of her abusive husband, and this is the only way to do it. I told the detective everything that happened that night, and as Karen had tears fall down her pale cheeks, she told detective Freelance what a monster Richard was. Richard then barged in the room looking for Karen. "Richard you are under arrest in the name of law." Then he got as bright red as a tomato steaming with anger, and made a run for it. So of course Detective Freelance had to chase him.
"Thank you Carl." Karen said wiping the tears away. She walked out of the room slowly, like she was still thinking if I did the right thing.
And, go! Dang, I lost again! I was so tired of having a staring contest with the chair. I have nothing to do. I just lie here all day long, and I'm sick of it. So I decided to get up. I unconnected myself from the monitor, and slowly got up. I stumbled a little, getting feeling back in my legs.
I opened door, and made sure my doctor was no where in sight. I stepped out of the room, and had to decide where to go. I walked down the long, cream colored hallway. With all its twists and turns, I still managed to get to the main lobby. I looked out the glass windows, and saw what looked 70' degree weather. Blue skies were ahead, with puffy clouds still floating. The seemed to dance around making different shapes with a mind of their own.
I looked across the room, to see my doctor walking this way. I took action, and I ran back into the hallway, and went into the closet room. I hid below the door, as he walked by the door. "Few I'm safe." I whispered. I turned around to face to the room I was in, and what I saw, didn't seem believable. Standing in front of me, was my dad, talking to Max, Evan, And Maeve.
I stood there shocked, as they noticed I was there. "Carl, you remember Maeve, Max and Evan." my father nodded. I stood there in silence a little longer, when words stumbled out. "What are you guys doing here?" Came out of my mouth. "We decided to come home." Max was the first to speak. "What do you mean home?" I asked trying to figure things out. "Well this is where we're from. The way we heard Sam and Dean talk about this place, we knew right away it's where we were from." Max said with a giant smile. "H-h-h- how?" Was all I asked. "We just woke up away from our parents in your world." Evan replied this time. "How long have you been here?" I asked. "A few ours." Maeve replied. They've been here for hours? And my dAd didn't want to tell me anything?
"Carl why aren't you in your room anyways?" My dad changed the subject to me. "Why would you care?" I replied storming out. "Carl! Don't talk to me like that!" He said chasing after me. I stopped at the end of the hallway, and leaned against the wall. "What's wrong?" He asked catching up. "Just a little out of breath." I said mad still. I stopped from my break, and made my way to my room.
Once I got back, I lied in bed like I didn't leave. A few hours past, and it was late at night, when a different nurse the before came in. It wasn't weird, because everyday they switched nurses to different shifts. It had been an hour sense I had gotten more of my medicine, so that's why he was here. I watched him a little, seeing if he worked differently then the other nurses. He didn't really, until I saw him look through the bottom drawer. Maybe he's just, new? I thought to myself. He pulled out a different vile then normal, so got worried. "Um, the other people take my medicine out of the middle drawer." I said. "Its the practically the same thing." he mumbled. Its definitely looked different, so I decided to peek at the label ingredients and such. He took my arm, and cleaned where he wanted to put the needle while i read. I saw different things, me being allergic to practically all of the ingredients. "No that's not it." I insisted. He went to put it in my arm but I moved it. "You need to stay still." He grumbled at me. "No you give me that I might die!" I raised my voice a little. He then had a grim look on his face, and grabbed my arm. I squirmed to get my arm free of his grasp, but it didn't work. He was about to stab it into my arm, so I took liability into my own arms, and I punched him with my free arm, making him let go. I ripped off the wires, and I tried to run past him, but he he grabbed me, this time punching me, making me fall to the floor. My face was pounding, along with my heart. I kicked him off of me, and sprinted for the door. I ran down the hallway, as he ran after me. I came to a service desk, and got her attention, but he had already caught up, and I could barely speak because I was out of breath. "Gather a couple nurses, this kid is refusing this medicine, and he needs it." Then a minute later a few nurses came out. As the held me down, I yelled, "He's trying to kill me!" But Who are they going to believe, a nurse, or a kid who seemed crazy. "Finally." The guy whispered. He took the needle again, and got ready to penetrate it into my skin, when my doctor spotted this. He ran over, and asked "What's going on?" He asked. "Just giving him medicine." he said. "That's not his medicine." My doctor agreed but it was to late. He stabbed it into my arm, until every drop disappeared. The doctor grabbed him, and pushed him away, and called security, then came to me, and shined a mini flashlight into my eyes. "Carl how do you feel?" He said quickly. "I actually, feel the same." I told him. "Really? That's remarkable! Now if we just run some test-" I cut him off. "No I'm fine!" I yelled and walked away.

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