Chapter 17: Saving and meeting

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"Daryl, Maggie, Maeve did you find any thing? I Asked. We had been searching for Carl and Judith sense the other day, and had no luck. "If he went South, maybe we go North." Maggie suggested.It was the only lead, so we went with it. After a while of going south we still didn't find anything, but we kept on going.
It had been 3 hours sense I've been here. I was tired and hungry. The door un clicked, and Crowley came in. Just the guy I wanted to see. He had Black short hair, with scruff for a beard. He wasn't alone, he also had a knife. At that moment when he took it out I started to pull harder on the chains. "That's not gonna work. Now just tell me what you know about this world, or how Sam and Dean unleashed traveling between them." Crowley said looking at the knife. "I'm not telling you squat." I backed sassed him. "Hmm I needed a nick name for you anyway. You'll be.... Peaches." he said and came closer to me. He then took his blade, and started cutting to my arm. "Now tell me what I want to know." I didn't say anything in return, trying to stay strong. He then sighed, and socked me right in the face. He did it about five times. "Wow peaches. Most kids talk at the cut, but your stronger." he complained. I decided to try to focus on the old lead grey paint on the walls. Crowley after 30 minutes left. I was barley hanging on, so I'm glad he left.
"Look down there. It's a wear house. Maybe he's hiding there." Maeve pointed. "We could look." Daryl added to her. I nodded my head in approve meant. We then, went in front of the doors, and went to open the door, but it was locked. "Daryl, lets kick it in." i commanded. That's what we did. We broke in to see Carl, in chains on the floor in the corner. I ran over to him. "Carl?" I said touching him to make sure he was real. He was passed out, beaten, and in chains. "How do we get the chains off?" Maeve asked. "We'll kick em in." Daryl said getting in position. He went To where the chains attach to the wall, and I went to the middle of the chains. We didn't want to break Carls arms off, so Daryl was holding down on his end while I broke the chain. It only took a few kick because the chains were old. I picked him up and we started to walk. We were waking in the woods, when a guy wearing a trench coat appeared out of nowhere, scaring me so badly that I dropped Carl. "What the-" I said as we all pulled out our guns. "Please don't shoot. You can only be shot so often and it not get old. You found the boy thank god. I'll just take him back so we continue with life." He said. Carl, then woke up and looked at all of us. The weird guy went towards Carl, so I fired a shot. "Font touch him I managed to say before I shot. But the damn guy just stood up and turned to face me. "I thought if you said please it would work. This while understanding humans thing hard." "What the hell is he!" Daryl asked. That's what we were all thinking. We all rose our weapons and pointed them at the guy, but Carl jumped in front of him. "Guys stop!" He yelled. Why was he standing up for this- thing? "What?" He looked a little guilty when he said, "This is my Uh-friends Castiel." he then turned to this so called Castiel, and added, "Where's Sam and Dean?" Castiel smiled, and replied "I transported ahead of them to find you Car." "It's Carl." Carl corrected him. "But I thought it was just car-" "Never mind we don't have time. we have to leave before Crowley finds us." Carl interrupted him. "Who's Crowley?" Maeve asked breaking a silence as we moved forwards. "The king of hell. I'll fill you guys in later." Carl panted. "Watched out for the dead guy." Castiel said pointing towards a walker.

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