Chapter 42: The box

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I stood on the back porch the next day, wondering what to do. "So much for a good present." I whispered. All I could hear were the voices whispering to me. I put my hands over my ears, and then I heard one specific voice. It was the boys. It was muffled, but I could still hear it. "God damn it" I screamed running to my car. I reached into the glove department and grabbed the grey ducked tape. I pulled out away from the box, and then got out of the car. I flipped the board off and then opened the box up. He was starring up at me, with sad little eyes. Maybe this is wrong- No! It's not! He deserves it! Put the little shit in his place! Was what went around in my head. I jumped down into the box, and yelled, "This is your fault! Now shut up!" I then ripped off a piece of ducked tape and placed it over the kids mouth. I then felt myself start to hit him. I just wanted the voice to stop! And this was the only way!
Once everything was back into place, I decided I'd go make sure the cell was ready for someone else. I unlocked the door and went down the stairs to the cell. "Where's Carl?" Payson asked standing up. I continued to clean his old cell when she said, "Patrick why do you have blood on your hands!" She yelled. I then left the empty cell open, and I told Max to stay, and Killer to follow me. I started up the steps when Payson yelled, "Is he dead?" I felt her voice shiver. I looked down and said, "Not yet."
I waited for Patrick to go back upstairs. Carl can't die! I have to do something. I then realized Holly left her keys on the table across the room. "Max! Get the keys!" I whispered to him. I pointed at the table, and Max trotted over, and grabbed them in his mouth, and dropped them I front of my cell. I reached and reached and finally got them. I unlocked my cell. I went around unlocking al the kids. "He can't take all of us. We need to take action! I didn't realize until earlier someone told me this isn't the way we should live." "Also, the goal is to get a phone and call 911! Got it?" Everyone nodded. With all of us ready to fight, I unlocked the doors at the top of the stairs, and we barged out screaming, but we all stopped. There wasn't anyone in the main room, so we split up and checked every room, all empty. I looked on the fridge and found a note for Holly. It read, "Took new car for groceries. Be back soon -Pat" I crumpled it up and through it on the floor. I looked over and saw Brandon, a 13 year old who had been here for 5 years, on the phone with 911. "Hand me the phone." I told him. I told the lady on the other end everything I knew, and she traced the call and told us to lock the door until officers arrived.
"Okay so we can start by hanging the missing person flyers." Detective Martin said. "That's not good enough though!" I sighed. The Detective Freelance came up to Detective Martin and said, "I need you. A whole bunch of kids that have been held captive for some up to seven years, were brought in and we haven't caught the un-sub yet though." He said. "So we can start by hanging them up in the hospital." I suggested. "Good idea." They both agreed.
"I'm fine really. You should be helping the other kids." I told the nurse as two people came in. The women spoke first. "Are you Payson Miller?" She asked. I nodded my head yes. "I'm detective Martin and this is detective Freelance. We have to ask you questions, we believe you have the clearest info because you were- there the longest." I understood. I would do anything to get Patrick and Holly off the streets.
After a while of questions, a man entered the room. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but you spelled his name wrong." The man handed the girl detective a paper. "What do you mean?" She asked him. "Grimes, is not spelled G-r-i-m-n-s. It's G-r-i-m-e-s." The man said. "I don't think that matters really. As long as they know his first name, and what he looks like, he could be identified." She assured him. He nodded his head and went to leave, when he dropped the stack of papers he had been holding. I jumped off the bed and helped him pick them up. I actually looked at the paper, and it read: CARL GRIMES-MISSING. I looked at the familiar brown hair and blue eyes. "Oh my god." I said. "What is it?" The make detective spoke. "I know him!" I pointed at the paper. "What!" The poster man said. "Yeah he was recruited a few days ago." "Well where is he?" The poster guy stood up as he said it. "Well- yesterday Patrick got mad at him and took him upstairs with him, and then today he came in with blood on his hands with out Carl and I asked if he was dead, and he said not yet." Then the man stumbled backwards and said, "He could still be alive! We have to go back and find him." "Yes but you can't come-" the man interrupted the detective. "He's my son. I'm coming no matter what." That's why he cares so much. It's his father.
"I'm not waiting in the car, so don't ask." I told the detectives as the car came to a stop at the house where the kids where held captive. "I have a gun, I'll be fine." I added. "Do you have a permit?" Detective Freelance asked. "Where I'm from, I was sherif. What do you think." I said. I then opened the door and ran out to the house. I let the detectives go first, and we entered the house. Of course back up was brought. After the house was cleared of the Captors, an order was given. "Tear this place apart." I the place was completely trashed, when I got news. "We found a dog. German Shepard." I went over to it, and it seemed eager to get outside, so I opened the door. It ran out, and it barked at me. Like it wanted me to follow it. "Hey guys, come over here." Said to the detectives. They followed me as I followed the dog to the back of the house. We all stood there, starring at the dog who was barking at a car. "What's-?" "Wait." I said. "Search the car." I added. We searched the front, nothing. The back, nothing. The only thing left was the trunk. We opened the trunk, and I did not expect to see a guy hiding. "Patrick Hansly your under arrest for the kidnapping of over ten kids." Detective Martin said as detective Freelance threw the guy on the ground and handcuffed him. "Where is he?" I screamed. "You'll never find him!" The guy laughed. I then launched myself at him. "Where is my son!" Yelled. "Rick!" The detectives yelled at me as the pulled me off him. "Pat, it's over. Just tell them." We turned around to see a female in custody. "We found her running for the woods." The cop holding her told us. "But Holly, he's the only one I have left!" Patrick cried. "That's why you have to tell them- so they can keep him safe." Holly convinced him. I then shushed everyone, because I heard a tapping noise. I looked at the car, and I felt like I heard a muffled scream. It was coming from the ground. I looked under it and saw a piece of wood. "Back the car up!" I screamed. Detective Martin got in the car and back it off of the wood.
I heard muffled noises, sounded like sirens. I wanted to scream, but nothing could come out because of the ducked tape. If I want to be found, I have to fight. My hands might have been ducked taped together, but that could stop me from trying to bang on the wood. I tried to avoid the nails, but k couldn't. The last time I hit the wood, I felt the metal go through my hand, and it made me scream as loud as I could. I then heard the car above me start.
I then felt someone trying to open the box. Patrick must have heard me scream. I'm dead. He's gonna beat me to death. So I shut my eyes as I heard the wooden too being lifted off. I then felt someone touching me, and I heard a familiar voice. "Carl!" I opened my eyes to see my father and detective Freelance lifting me out of the box. They went to take the tape off my hands, but must not have seen where the nails went in because when someone touches it, my muffled scream came out, because the ducked tape was still on my mouth. My father slowly peeled it off my mouth and threw it on the ground. "Carl." He cried. "Dad?" I asked. "We have to take the tape off your hands." He said. I nodded my head and then the detective cut my hands free of the ducked tape, and I through my hands around my dad. "Your okay now." He hugged me back. "Can you walk?" I saw detective Martin coming towards us. I shook my head no, and then held my knee. "I got it." My dad said. He then put one arm under my back and the other under my legs and picked me up.
As soon as we walked through the hospital doors, I knew I was safe. I held on to my father who was still carrying me. I saw Maeve, Kaitlin, and Payson all smiling at me. They were all crying, but also smiling.

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