Chapter 26: Need trust

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"That's everyone!" Robber 3 yelled. "Ey boss, how we gettin out of here?" Robber 2 asked. I looked over at robber 1, and he seemed to be cursing under his breath as he peeked outside. "We're surrounded, we'll have to use plan b." Robber 1 yelled. They went over to the phone, and hit the redial button, and put it on speaker.
Robbers: We need to get out of here! Now
Police: we can't guarantee that
Robbers: you have to or we'll hurt someone
Police: Let's not get to that point
Robbers: then let us out, no one tailing us!
Police: we'll have to figure something else out
Robbers: if we're not getting out, nobody else is
Then robber 1 loaded his gun and shot a tall man in the chest. Every one screamed in fear as he pulled the trigger.
Robber: look at your pretty camera and see if we're playing
Police: fine. We will begin by letting the women and children go
Robber: Hahaha funny. There's a few women in here and there's one kid. That's not happening, it's our secret weapon....
He then smiled, and whispered to robber 2 and 3 and pointed at me. Its been two hours, and out of everyone, he pointed at me.
The two robbers came over to me and forced me to my feet. They dragged me over the robber 1 and he whispered things for me to tell the police. I slowly picked up the phone, and then robber 2 and 3 covered up the two cameras with Paper, blocking everyone's view of the bank. "Talk now." he said to me
Me: um... Hi
Police: Who is this speaking?
Me: It doesn't matter. I'm hear to tell you that if you don't let them go, they'll take us out one by one, making everyone go slowly
Police: Are you on speaker phone,
Me: Not anymore
"stick to the scrip." Robber 1 said as he socked me in the stomach.
Police: It's detective Freelance, Carl I know it's you, i need you to stay calm. We'll get you guys out, now is there anything you can make of the robbers?
I didn't know how to answer, but then i thought back. All the robbers had a number 4 tattoo on their hands. I didn't know how to tell them, but if it helped, I could help everyone in this bank, I'm not even from this world! Maybe it was a calling! The robbers went over and in blocked the cameras.
Me: I'm sorry for this but... They all have black 4 tattoos on their hands!
"What the hell!" Robber 1 yelled at me. Hw snatched the phone from my hand, and turned me around. He cut my hands free, and then pushed me away from everyone else. He pointed his gun at me, and I raised my hands up. He then loaded his gun, and said, "This is for selling us out!" And then pulled the trigger.
As They mixed all the ingredients together, Sam asked, "Who's going?" I nodded my head to tell I was going. "He then took a piece of hair from me, himself, Dean and Castiel. He then mixed it all together, and the smoke carried us away.
I heard a gun shot, and saw it. It pushed me to the breaking point. I ran to the back side of the Bank, and broke a window. I squeeze myself through it, and walked down a hallway, and peeked my head to see all the hostages. I saw Carl in the corner. When I made sure no one was looking, I secretly made my way to him. I decided to pretend I was a hostage they might have missed. "Carl." I whispered looking at him. He had been shot in his lower left side, and was bleeding out. "Kaitlin?" He asked. "Shh don't speak. Now try to not make any noise, I'm going to put pressure on your wound to try to stop the bleeding. It will hurt, but I need you to be silent." I told him. One of the robbers was still in the phone arguing with the police. "Who am I talking to?" He asked into the phone. "Ah detective Freelance. I'll have to remember that."
I then drowned them out, and put pressure on Carl's wound. He grunted, but he was trying to be quiet. "Shh. It's okay." I told. "How do you know what to do?" He asked slowly. "My mom and dad are cops, I've had a little medical training here and there." I smiled, as a tear slid down my cheek.
"What's this?" A robber said coming over to me. Oh crap he noticed me. He grabbed me by my hair, and i squirmed in pain. He took out my wallet and looked at my i.d, and laughed as he took me over to the phone. "Hello there ms Kaitlin- Freelance. He then placed us on speaker. "Detective? Say hello to your daughter."
Dad: Kaitlin? No! What are you doing In there?
Me: I'm sorry I saw
Carl get shot and I just needed to help him
Robber: you know the kid over there? Then let's say hi.
He brought Kaitlin over to me. No, Kaitlin why did you put yourself in danger? He pushed down to my side, and I watched as more tears fell down her cheeks. "Kaitlin, this isn't going to help your father like me." I was able to say. I got her to smile a little. Then the robber tooled out a knife, and flicked it open. He placed it in her hand making her grip it. "Now, just finish it! You came in here to do something, so do it!" He yelled as he pointed his gun at her. She knew he wasn't afraid to shoot her, but she didn't move. He jerked her head up, and yelled "Do it!" She just began to cry harder. "I can't!" She whined. "It's okay." I Told her. She didn't need to die. If one of us did, it would be me. "Only one of us is getting out of this, and it's going to be you." I added. "You should have listened to him." the robber said. He then made robber 2 and 3 drag her two feet away, and they held her back. Robber 1, then took the knife out of her hand, cutting her hand a little in the process. "I guess I'll have to do it then." he sighed bending down to me. "No!" She screamed. He then took the knife, and began trying to press it into my chest, but I fought back. He was now on top of me, pressing the knife it my skin, while I pushed it away. Meanwhile, Kaitlin kicked robber 2 in the stomach, and threw him into robber 3. She then came over to me, and kicked robber 1 off of me. He then tackled Kaitlin, and stabbed her arm somewhere, I couldn't see very well, I just heard her scream in pain. With all the force I had left, I crawled over to the gun he dropped, and loaded it, and yelled, "Kaitlin look out!" And when she rolled out of the way, I pulled the trigger shooting him in the back of the head. I then crawled over to Kaitlin, and we took hands to show that we made it.
We thought it was all over, until Crowley appeared out of nowhere. "Hello Carl, good to see your surviving in my world!" He laughed. "What do you want Crowley?" I asked. "You know him?" Kailtin asked. "Of course he does! I'm the reason he's here!" Crowley yelled. "Eait your the reason I'm in this world?" I said. It was all so confusing, I forgot I was dying. "You seem to be in a pickle." he said pointing to my wound. He came over, and said "I can heal it so the pain is bearable, but that's all I can promise." he Then dug his hand into my side, while i screamed in pain. He then showed the bullet that was no longer in me. I then looked at my side, to see that it was no longer bleeding, but it was still there. "What did you do?" I asked. "I froze it. Now anyways, I miss messing with Sam and Dean, so if they would just come-" Kaitlin interrupted him. "Sam and Dean Winchester? They've been on the most wanted list for years!" She exclaimed. Really? Wow. I didn't really see that coming. "So in three, two ,one-" Crowley began. "Why are you counting?" Kaitlin and I asked. Then the door burst open, and in walked Sam, Dean, Castiel and my dad.

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