Chapter 8: live longer together

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Two months later


Maeve looks like her brother and sister. They all have brown hair, and Evan and Maeve both have green eyes, and Max had blue. I'm a little worried though. I feel like Max keeps giving me goo goo eyes. I don't like her that way. I like Maeve. I have sense the moment I met her. I was able to start going out on runs and stuff two week ago. We haven't been really needed to go in runs a few weeks so we're going out today. We split the group up. It goes:

Rick, Daryl, and Carol

Then Maggie, Glenn, and Beth

Then Tyreese, Sasha, and Maeve

And finally Max, Evan, and me.

My dad thought it would be good for me to go with the newest members. I walked into where the others were, in long and I was coming back from the bathroom. My dad then finished saying, "That's the plan for each group, so let's get going." I walked over to my group to see only Evan, but then Max came over. "So Evan are you sure you know the plan?" I asked figuring he's the only one who heard the plan. "Yeah totally." He said not sounding so reassuring. "I can go double check with my dad-" He cut me off. "Its fine, I heard so I drive." "Lets go then." Max said handling us our weapons. We went and got in one of the cars, and Evan got out to fill the gas tank. I looked to the back seat, where Max was sitting. "So Carl." She said looking at me. "Max?" I asked but also Evan got in the car so, I looked forward. I thought we were going to follow everyone else because there is like 4 cars, but Evan drove the opposite way of everyone else. "Are we suppose follow everyone else?" I asked. He didn't look at me, he just kept his eyes straight ahead and replied, "No we are almost to go this way." I turned to look out my window, and some some walkers in the field. I hate that this whole thing even started. The apocalypse is almost unbelievable, like a dream I was just waiting to wake up from, but somehow I never did.

After an two hours, and we didn't stop yet, I started to worry because it usually only takes an hour to get our supplies. "Evan where are we going?" Max said, so apparently I wasn't the only curious one. "Well we're we're supposed to go find the so called Red Barns Pharmacy, but I haven't seen it." He replies. "What! The pharmacy was only five minutes from the retirement home, the other way!" I yelled. "Oh that makes more sense.... calm down I'll just go back! He said turning the steering wheel. But as we were turning around, the car made some weird noises, and came to a stop. "And we are out of gas." Max said looking at the meter. "Great. Just great we are stuck in the middle of nowhere." I said and sighed. "I know why I don't like you, your either complaining or gawking over Maeve." I turned to look at him. "What? Well I don't like you either! All ways thinking your the best at everything, and you can do what ever you want!" I yelled at him. Boys would you shut up! We got a bit of a situation here!" Max yelled. I looked out the window, and there wasn't that many walkers around. I opened the car door, and stepped out in front of the car, Max and Even following. I looked around, and then said "We should look for supplies and then make our way back." Evan rolled his eyes, and replied "Whatever boss man." I gave him a nasty look, because he was being so annoying. "Do you have a better idea Evan? Because the last time that happened, we ended up in this situation!" I yelled at him. I could tell by the look on Maxes face. I looked around some more, to get a look at things. If it took as about two hours by car, then it would probably take around a day, with the three of us. "Let's just start walking back guys." Max suggested. "Fine!" Evan and I said Angrily at the same time.
Every body was back, Except for Carls group. Everyone was starting to worry. "Maybe their just.... Getting a lot of stuff." Carol suggested. "Maybe..." Lori whispered. Rick went over and and wrapped his arm around her. "They'll be fine, Carls a smart boy." Rick said to Lori. Meanwhile It had been, 5 hours sense Carls group left where they got stranded. They were tired and hungry. Hungry, because Maggie's group went for food, that no one has had a lot of in three days. They were also getting dehydrated. They were in the middle of walking, When Max collapsed on the ground. "Max!" Evan and Carl yelled. They went to her sides. Carl being the strongest at the moment, lifted her up in his arms. Then Evan suggested, "We should take a break." Carl agreed, and the stopped near a ditch. After an hour, they started walking again.
After another 7 hours, Max was walking again, and they saw the 15 minute mark. Rick and the whole group, had put minute markers in case someone got lost. They were all so relieved. Back at the retirement home,
As we were walking on the side of the dirt road, we all took the same step, and and the dirt collapse underneath all of us, making us fall 6 ft into the ground, covering us with dirt. I felt a great deal of pain to my shoulder, but I had to make sure everyone else was okay. "Are you guys okay?" I coughed from the dirt. "I'm fine, it's just I had the crap scared out of me." Evan said. Then Max said, "I'm fine, but I think I sprained my ankle, I can't walk on it." I looked around to see if there was anyway to get out, but not likely because none of us is six feet. I rubbed my shoulder, and then tried jumping up, which didn't work. "Maybe we should scream for help, if we scream loud enough, they might hear us." Evan said. "Yes because having a crowed of walkers fall on us is the best thing to do." I said sarcastically.
"Let's just start walking the opposite direction that we went." Rick said leading Maggie Glenn and Daryl to look for the lost kids. They had their survival bags with them. After 15 minutes of walking, they started to loose hope.
"Maybe I just haven't thought my life through." Max finished. We were all sitting now, talking like we had less then a day to live. "I agree. I feel like people don't get me." Evan said holding his stomach. "I agree man, only I feel dizzy and nauseous." I said. We were really giving up hope, when we heard distance voices. "You hear that?" I could only whisper. Evan and I stood up, and we started yelling, (mostly Evan). Then, we saw familiar faces appearing down at us. "Thank god!" We yelled. "Thank go we found you guys!" My dad Began, and then continued. "We're going to throw down two ropes, and tie it around your selves, and we'll pull you up." A rope came down, and Max and I watched As Evan tied it around his waist and they pulled him up. Then, I grabbed the rope and tied it around my waist and singled Max to come. She hops over and asks, "What?" I tightened the rope. "With your ankle you can nearly walk. Here, put your legs around me and then hold on tight." So she did what I said, and I gave the okay, for them to pull us up. As we were slowly were going up, she was holding on so tightly to my shoulders that I started saying "Ow. Ow. Ow." "What what's wrong?" Max quickly asked. I looked down, and said "What? Nothing..."

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