Chapter 27: Your wrong

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I stood there in shock, not knowing if this was real or not. Maybe just a giant dream. I couldn't tell. I figured to live in the moment. "Carl?" My dad asked. "Dad!" I yelled as we ran to each other and hugged. "Is this real?" I whispered into his ear. "As real as it gets." he said letting go. "See I told my dad you weren't lying!" Kaitlin let slip out. "Oh dad this is my- friend Kaitlin. "Nice to meet you. Wait Carl why are you bleeding?" He asked looking at my shirt. "Oh I was bleeding. I was shot, but it's not bleeding anymore, it just feels like it." I said trying to ignore it. I was just glad to see my dad. Then The police came in guns blazing. "Hand up now everyone!" Detective Freelance said. We all put our hands up, and the Detective went over to Kaitlin. "Are you okay sweetie?" He asked checking her to make sure no fatal wounds. "I'm fine dad." she replied. "Who's those guys?" Her dad asked pointing at my father Sam, Dean and Castiel. "That's Carls dad Rick, and I don't know about the others." She answered. "Well I have to bring everyone down to the station. Something fishy is going on."
"Right this way Mr. Grimes." I said pointing into the interview room. Once we were seated, I began asking the questions. "Okay so, first question is, where have you been the last couple of weeks?" He stopped for a second, and then asked, "What do you mean?" "Well your son was found threatening people with a gun, and then hit by a car and brought to the hospital, with nobody with him." I told him. It was awkward because I normal read off the persons file, but he doesn't exist, so he doesn't have one. "I find this question offensive, because I couldn't find him, it's like we were worlds apart." he said. I don't think he's taking me seriously wish these questions. "How about his one, are you or have you ever been married?" I decided to dig a little deeper. "I was married if you really want to know." He said avoiding eye contact. "Is it true that your son killed her because she asked?" I asked. It's my job, I have to ask these questions. "I don't think this is-" he began but I cut him off with, "just answer yes, or no." "Yes."
I then wrote down things on my note pad. This guy seemed creepy and mysterious. "Okay. How did Carl get all of his scars?" I asked. He seemed to chuckle when I asked this, as he thinks that's funny. Maybe my conclusion on Child abuse was right. He then looked at me and said, "I don't know what your talking about." I sighed and stood up. "That's all I need." I then left the room and talked to my colleagues.
My dad came out, and we sat in the waiting room for an hour. Then detective Freelance came out. "Carl may I speak to you?" I handed my dad the ice pack the desk lady gave to me because I stupidly told them we should come her first. I followed him into a room, and sat where he told me. "Is it okay if I ask you a couple of questions?" He asked. "Sure." I replied slowly getting a little weirded out. "Were you happy when your dad wasn't here?" That's a very strange question to ask. "Well I wasn't depressed if that's what you mean." I said weirded out and he could tell. It just got wort from there. "Does your dad ever touch you in ways you don't like?" "No..." I said slowly and scooted my chair back a bit. "Does he ever hurt you?" He asked scribbling on his clip board. I waited a minute to answer. Is he serious? Or is he messing with me. "Never." I replied. "You can tell the truth he can't hurt you!" He reassured me. "no!" I said standing up angrily. "I think we're done now. So if you'll excuse me I'm going back to my dad." I added. "Actually your not, your going to a foster home for now until we figure things out." he told me. He'll to the no. "No! If it wasn't for you giving me the wrong PIN number we wouldn't be in this mess!" I yelled and then ran out of the room. I walked out to see someone arresting my dad. "Dad!" I yelled but A cop held me from going to him. "Carl! I love you!" He yelled as they dragged him off. "We won't be separated again!" I yelled after him. As tears fell down my face. Detective Freelance came over now and told me, "Its okay." then the cop let me go. "No this is your fault!" I yelled at him.
As I was put in a squad car with a suit case, they drove me to my first foster home. The truth is I don't entirely know what a foster home is.
The car came to a stop, in front of this big old White house. I stepped out of the car slowly, as I looked around. I was showed to the door, and before I even began to go up the stairs, the cop car drove away. I went up each stair, until I got to the porch. I walked up to the old rusted door, and rang the door bell with lots of regret.
"Get the hell off my yard!! I'm tired of your damn pranks!" I voice yelled from inside. "Actually I'm here to stay here.." I told them still not seeing their face.
The door then opened, and an older lady appeared. "You must be Carl, come on in!" She said sweet like. It was a different voice then the one I heard before though. I followed her inside. It was an old dirty room we walked into. "Richard, look Carls here." the women said as she walked into I guess the living room. "Who the hell is Carl?" He groaned as he turned the chair he was siting in. He looked to be in his late 40s or so. He had all grey hair, and an after shave beard on his face. "Remember the foster kids program." She told him still trying to be polite, and I don't get why, he seemed like a giant jerk. "Whatever." he said as he turned back to the tv. "Let me show you to your room." she said as she walked towards the stairs. As we went up them, some creaked loudly. We walked down a long hallway, and on the left was a door. She opened it, and told me "Make yourself comfortable, if you need anything I'll be down stairs." I nodded and she left. I entered my room, to see a bed in the corner with grey sheets, and a book shelf next to it. Then across the small room was a dresser. I placed my suit case in the corner, and sat on the floor. I just got my father back, and he's gone again.
All the sudden, I heard arguing down stairs, loud arguing. I snuck down the hallway, and poked my head down the stairs. "I don't give a damn!" He yelled right before he slapped her across the face so hard she fell to the ground. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." She begged. Then, the stair I was on creaked, and they both looked at me. "What the hell are you looking at?" Richard yelled at me. "Dinners ready Carl." She sniffled. I came down the stairs to the table. "Good Karen I'm starving." Richard said as he took a seat at the end of the table. I sat at the middle part, and Karen sat on the across from me, after she served us. I took a bit, and claimed "This is good thank you." She smiled at me. Richard on the other hand, "This is bull crap!! You trying to make me sick!" He yelled at her. He then through it all over the floor. He then went to the sink as she bent down to pick it up. I stood up and helped her pick the mess up, and whispered, "Why do you deal with him?" She looked to make sure he didn't hear herself say, "Because I'm to scared to leave." she then stood up and put the dish in the sink. "Better start those dishes." Richard said as he popped open a beer. As he passed me, he gave me an evil glare. I walked over to Karen and said "Here let me help." "No Carl that's okay." she said, but Richard was already coming. "She's a women, she does it leave her alone Carlos." he told me. "Its Carl." I whispered. "What's that smart boy?" He said as he shoved me against the fridge. "My name is Carl." I flinched. "And mines I don't give a shit." he said sarcastically as he presses my side into the fridge. I grunted in pain, and so Karen stepped in. "Richard your games on." She said shyly. "Lucky because I don't like you a wince." he whispered to me walking away. I then made my way back to the room I was staying in. after a while Karen came in. "Hi." i said. "Hello. I saw your side hurt? May I look?" she offered coming up to me. "Sure but I was shot." I said lifting my shirt up. "Did you go to the hospital?" She asked curiously. "It's okay, I've been through worse then this." I explained to her. "Here's an ice pack, don't let Richard catch you with it." She winked at me. She shut the door behind her as she left.
The next day, I read a book in the morning and that's about it. It was lunch time when I hear my name called. I went down stairs to see Shepard's pie for lunch. I don't like it, but I ate it anyway. It was after lunch was when a problem occurred. "My famous chi lime pie!" Karen exclaimed. "Yes! The one reason I deal with you!" Richard said failing on sounding sarcastic. She gave us a piece, and Richard ate like there's no tomorrow. Me, I kinda played with it like a kid with vegetables. "Something wrong?" Karen asked. "She meant why the hell are you not dying in paradise right now?" Richard corrected her. "Nothing." I said slowly. "If it's nothing then eat the damn pie." He demanded. "I can't." I replied. "Why he hell not?" He said taking another sip of his beer. "I'm uh... Allergic to kiwi." I said. Me eating it, was not a good idea. "Oh well that's okay." Karen said nicely. "No it's not. My wife goes out of her way to be nice, and you don't expect it? Oh hell no!" He yelled as he stood up. He came over to me, and grabbed the fork, and put it on the fork, and said "Eat it." i replied "No." which was a mistake. He then grabbed me and tackled me on the floor with the pie, and started shoving it down my throat, until it was all gone. "Richard!" Karen yelled scared. He finally got off of me, and I started gasping for air. "Help!" I managed to get out. Karen tried to come help but Richard told her, "No let him die!" But Karen told him off. "No! I'm sick and tired of you! Your just a giant psycho Dick!" She screamed as she ran to the phone and dialed 911, as I Laid on the floor, dying.

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