Chapter 40: The cages

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At the bottom of the stairs, was a humongous, width and length, sized room, or at least it looked it. But what it was filled with, was just- terrible. Cage like spaces with chains filled the room, holding kids around, younger, or maybe older then me. When Holly said the others, this is what she was talking about. I saw kids with fear in their eyes that seemed to be begging for help. "What- what have you done?" I whispered aloud. "I've made a family." Patrick said seeming to hear me. I felt sick to my stomach seeing all these people, just locked up like animals. I didn't want this, and I realized soon enough I'd be like them. "No." I whispered. "What's that?" He asked. "I said, No!" I screamed before kicking my legs back, kicking him in his weak spots. He abruptly let go of me, giving me a chance to get away. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, and once I reached for the doorknob, I heard Patrick whistle. I just ignored it at first and opened the door, but what I didn't know was the whistle caused an attack dog to come. I opened the door and on the other side, was what seemed to be a growling, pit bull German Shepard mix. Patrick yelled, "Attack!" And the next thing I knew, the dog launched at my leg, grabbing on to it with its teeth, and what felt like it was biting as hard as possible. I screamed in pain, and fell backwards, and rolled down the stairs. I landed on the ground abruptly, and was in a lot of pain. Patrick clicked his teeth together, and stared down at me. "Your smart, and I like that. But, in this case, your also stupid for trying to esc- Leave. Trying to leave." he sounded disappointed. He then dragged my body to and entry cage, and shut the door and locked it. He then told me, "Some time o'tta smarten you up." He then hung the keys in s coat board, and traveled back up stairs, shutting by the door behind him. I tried not to cry from the pain, so I more seemed angry then sad. All I was at this point was confused. "Are you okay?" I was startled by a voice. I turned my head to see in the cage next to me, was a girl, with bright blue eyes. "Um yeah." I lied. "Yeah sure. Roll up your pant leg and let's see the dog bite." She told me. "How old are you?" I asked rolling my pant leg. "About 14." she answered. I slowly awkwardly crawled over closet so she could look at the bite. "About? How long have you been here?" I asked. She looked away, and sighed, "Around 7 years." SEVEN YEARS IN THIS HELL HOLE?
I coughed a little hearing the number. "What!" I choked out. "Yeah I've been here the longed. That looks pretty deep." she said looking at it. "What's your name and age?" She asked. Her voice tone told me how she seemed to just give up. "Uh I'm 15. My name is Carl. What's yours?" I asked curiously. She turned around and grabbed a wet rag. "Payson. This may sting a bit." She said before pressing it against the bite. I groaned in pain not expecting it to hurt that much. "Ow." I groaned. She put the rag back to where she got it, and said, "That's the best I can do for now. Sorry." I nodded my head in a way to say it's not your fault. "Now get some sleep. Your probably going up tomorrow." she said before lying down. I lied down on a small blanket. I don't really know if I want to sleep, but somehow I did.
I felt my self screaming as I woke up to hearing, "Carl? Ps Carl!" Payson got my attention. "What!" I said. "It wasn't real, it was just a dream." she reassured me. We heard the upstairs door open, and saw Patrick coming over to my cage. He grabbed the keys and unlocked my cage, and picked me up with one of my arms. The rope that tied them together had ripped when I fell down the stairs. He then unlocked Payson's cage and motioned her up stairs.
Once we got upstairs he said, "I have to go to work, but Payson it's your job to deal with new comers." he said. She nodded her head, and Patrick let go of me. He then grabbed a coat and walked out of the house, locking it behind him. "Take your shirt off." she demanded. "What?" I asked caught off guard. "You heard me." she said. She walked into the other room, and came back with an ice pack, and a box with a Red Cross on it. "I think I'm good." I said backing away. "Would you rather Patrick, or me?" she said making a good point. "Okay, just don't- don't judge." I sighed lifting off my shirt.
"Oh my-" she said covering her mouth. "Thanks for not judging." I said in a sarcastic voice. She took out some bandages and started placing them. "Well it's just- not what I expected." she confessed. "So how do you know.. stuff?" I asked curiously. "You mean why am I not dumb?" She smirked. "I might be trapped here, but It didn't stop me from getting an education. I take some courses online." "You can do that?" I asked astonished. She laughed, "For years we could. Have you been under a rock this whole time?" I slid my shirt back on, and turned away. "You could say that." I sighed. "What's you story? I don't have much to tell, but Like what's your last name at least?" Payson asked. "Um it's Grimes. Carl Grimes." "Okay Grimes, what's your life been like?" She tried to be happy, but I could see behind it. "Like hell actually." I told the truth, if I'm gonna be stuck here, might as well not lie. She walked over to put the medicine kit back in its place and asked, "Why's that?"
Should I tell her? She wouldn't believe me, think I was crazy. "You wouldn't believe me if I told." was my answer. "Come on, tell me!" She insisted. I took a big sigh and just let it out, "It started when I was 10 years old, and some virus spread around making the dead walk, and so I've been in and out of groups to stay alive. I was with my mother at first because my dad had been shot for dead, but turns out he wasn't dead and he found us. A couple years later,after I got mad at my parents, I went off and was kidnapped and saved by this girl Maeve, and then brought back home.Her brother and sister then showed up and also joined our group. After a lot of cheating and lies, my mom got pregnant, and when she gave birth she was gonna die and didn't want to turn, so I put her down. A while later, I went outside and then ended up with Sam and Dean Winchester, who technically saved me and my baby sister. They fight monsters and Demons with the help of An Angel Castiel, and they were fighting with the king of hell, Crowly, who kidnapped me. Then my group found me, and let the Winchesters in because they were accidentally brought to the wrong world because of a spell, and we tried a spell to get them back home, but my hair got put in it instead and j was brought to your world, without walkers and everything seemed normal. But I was in the hospital for a while, and met this girl Kaitlin, and her parents were cops that were trying to find out who I was. Some how my dad came to this world, and found me, and so did Maeve and her siblings. But Shane who may or may not be my sisters father took me and Judith my sister, and everything got weird. Then my father found us and followed us to this place where Shane took my sister and I was taken from my father to an auction and Holly bought me and here I am. That about sums it up." I let out a huge breath after speaking that fast, And Payson just stared at me. "Let me guess, I'm crazy and just hit my head falling down the stairs, and now your stuck-." she Interrupted me. "If you say it's true, I believe you Grimes." She claimed. "But you barley know me." I pointed out. "Yeah but I've been here long enough to know the outside is a strange place." she showed a wry smile.
"I have a question for you now." I said.
"Ask away."
"If he trusts you so much, why haven't you tried to escape?" I asked looking towards the door. She sighed a little and answered, "There's no point. Besides, I couldn't just leave all these kids here." I nodded my head in understand meant.
Her life hasn't been a joyride either.
Then Payson walked over to the basement door and asked, "You coming Grimes?" I nodded my head and followed her down the stairs.

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