Chapter 28: Two wrongs don't make a right

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"Just one moment sir." The service desk women said to me. Apparently I have to slowly be able to have custody of my son. One thing I had to do is go to the hospital and were down his medical records and such, so figured to do it now. I'm just writing down as much as I remember. I stood waiting for the women to come back, when a huge announcement came over the intercom, saying "Code blue, code blue, paging Doctor Freelance, to room 132." Ah hospitals, the same as I remember them, maybe some newer advanced technology. Then, the doors burst open and they brought someone through quickly, while a doctor went up and asked, "Situation?" One of the nurses replied, "14 year old, allergic reaction, no i.d." "That's okay, I already know who he is." he told the nurse. "Carl, what happened?" He asked.
What? Did he just say, Carl? As in my 14 year son Carl? I ran over to make sure, and I was sure. "Excuse me sir you can't be over here." the nurse told me. "That's my son!" I told her right back.
"So tell me what happened again Richard?" I asked again wanting to hear his side. "Well my wife was making her famous kilime pie, and we didn't know Carlos- Carl, was allergic when he ate it." he said. "Thanks that will be all for now." I said leaving the room. "How is he?" My daughter asked curiously. "We haven't heard anything yet." I said as i put the file in the file cabinet. "Thanks for the help." She sighed and walked away. Just how she did when she was little, only today less stomping. "You wanted to speak to me?" I felt a tap on the shoulder. I turned around to Richards wife Karen. "Yes right this way." Once we got into the interview room, I asked her to sit. "So what happened?" I asked wanting her side of the story. "Well- I was baking pie, and I didn't know Carl was allergic." She said shyly, almost sounding fishy. "That's all I guess." I nodded her way. Hmm something doesn't add up. I'll just have to wait for Carls pov, if he gets better, which he will... right?
"Well do you think their coming back?" Max and Evan kept asking me. "How am I supposed to know?" I told them about everyday. I looked at my options for knifes, and took the medium sized one and stuck in in a holster attached to my belt. I then put my hair up in a strong pony tail, that would stay out of my face. I walked into the main room where Maggie had called a group meeting.
"So we're going to carry on as if everything was the way it was before." she said and then nodded her head at every one. Sure we can carry on like our group leader didn't leave with strangers.
"So what's our plan?" Max asked me not to long after the meeting. "What plan?" I asked walking outside. "Well, where ever Rick went, there's no walkers, which there's a chance it could be our...." I cut her off. "No Max, we couldn't go back even if we wanted to." I told her straight out. "Well why not? Mom and dad could be there! It doesn't matter if you told people their dead! Anything better then here!" She raised her voice a little. I pulled her to the side, and told her to keep quiet. "We don't know how to get there is what I meant." I whispered. She smiled, and held up a bag of ingredients to the spell. "Where did you get those?" I scolded her. She still smiled and replied, "Who cares! We're getting out of here!"
I sat there in the chair, while staring at my son. He was lying on the bed, and seemed lifeless. Then the door opened, and in walked Detective Freelance. "A word." he whispered. I looked at Carl, and then back at him, and nodded my head. We went by the door, still in the room to talk. "You should not be here." He told me, but I didn't care much. "He's my son, Detective." I said. "Your lucky that your not in jail still." Why should I be? I didn't do anything, I was a cop before.... all this. "And-." Carl cut him off. "Dad." He whispered. I ran over to him, and told him, "I'm here." I gripped his hand as much as I could without breaking it. "I'll go get the doctor." Mark offered. I don't like him, so might as well call him by his first name for now. Then Only the doctor came back, which I didn't mind. "Carl, your awake. That's considered a good thing. So how do you feel?" The doctor asked. "I'm not dead if that's what you mean." Carl mumbled. "Yeah that's the good part." The doctor replied. He then went into the middle drawer, and pulled out a needle and an iv pack. "What's that?" Carl asked noticing also. "Don't worry, I don't think you'll die from this, its just to Evan out your breathing." He smiled while taking Carls arm.
"I'll be right back." I told Carl. I walked outside the hospital to get some fresh air. I walked in an alley way, and saw some people. But there was a difference from the people in the alley way and the others around. The people in the alley way I knew. It seemed that Maeve, Max, and Evan had found their way into this world.

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