Chapter 1 - The Woods

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(Artwork by qwertty3566)

The boy with dark hair laid on his back in the damp grass, getting the trench coat he always wore wet. Though, he couldn't care less for his trench coat was already stained with mud, plus he sort of enjoyed the cold feeling on his back. He pressed his paper bag against his chest in an attempt to keep himself warm as he stretched his legs out looking for a comfortable position to put them in. He sighed to himself, grateful for a moment of peace, knowing it wouldn't last forever. Relaxing his body, he closed his eyes and began to feel drowsy, preparing himself for sleep, when suddenly...


The boy's eyes instantly shot open, sitting up straight. Quaking with fright, he glanced around, searching for the source of the noise. Looking past the oak wood trees that surrounded him he noticed a flock of birds flying directly upward into the dark, foreboding sky. He watched them intently, waiting for the loud noise to make a return. Anxiously, the boy covered his ears with his hands, not wanting to be surprised by the loud bang again.


The noise announced its return, taking a bird out of the sky with it. The boy watched in horror as one of the birds in the flock suddenly ceased to fly, and began falling downward. He finally stood up, realizing his moment of serenity had ended. He did not know whether to run toward the noise or away from it. Many questions invaded the young boy's mind.

"What was that noise? What happened to that bird? Am I not the only person in this forest?"

That last question really made him think. What if he was not the only person here? What if that other person needed help? The curiosity eventually overwhelmed the boy, he needed answers to these questions. He covered his head with his paper bag which had two round eye holes cut out giving him the ability to observe his surroundings. Finally, using his built-up courage he swiftly sprinted toward the forest, basing the direction he ran in off of where he saw the bird fall from. He hopped over and ran by every obstacle he encountered, hopefully making it there in time to see somebody. 

The boy decided to rest at a ledge near a tree with a hole carved into it. He sat down and caught his breath, convincing himself that the person wouldn't be too far gone if he just took a little break. Taking his paper bag off for better air, and better visibility, he glanced around. He saw a pine cone next to the tree he sat by, which was almost as big as he was. He reached over and picked it up, sitting it upright next to him.

He covered the top of the pine cone with the paper bag, quietly giggling at the silly sight. After around a minute of amusement, the boy took the paper bag off of the pine cone and put it back onto his head. He picked up the pine cone and tossed it away from him, waving to the pine cone as it fell off the ledge. The sound of something loudly snapping sent the boy into guard mode, standing up and glancing over the ledge, he found the origin of the noise. Some sort of metal trap that was a lot bigger than him with sharp teeth surrounded by little pieces from the pine cone.

The boy was about to hop down to investigate the scene even more when out of nowhere several more traps began to set off, one by one. The boy jumped as the traps leaped into the air, being set off one at a time. After the traps were finished with their dance, the boy put on his paper bag and slowly lowered himself down off the ledge. He began tiptoeing past all of the metal traps, eventually making it to the other side. He was about to step foot into a hollow tree trunk that was laying on its side to proceed to the next area when he noticed one of the metal traps from before, laying right beside the entrance of the tree trunk, making it unable to be passed by.

However, this one looked different than the other ones. Instead of the jaws being closed, they were open. The boy decided before stepping on it to experiment, feeling around the leaves that encircled him for another pine cone. Finally he found one, picking it up with both hands. He tossed it into the gaping maw of the metal invention and watched as the trap's jaws ensnared its target, completely demolishing the once intact pine cone.

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