Chapter 5 - Combat

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(Artwork by qwertty3566)

Mono scowled at the peeking student, they would be his next victim. He stomped down the hallway, firmly gripping his sledgehammer. He rounded the corner and was presented with multiple different porcelain students, all twitching and contorting their slender limbs. They all slowly turned to face him, revealing their disgusting, horrid faces. One of the porcelain students tested their luck, running toward Mono alone.

The others watched as the boy struck the student in the side of the head, sending porcelain shards everywhere. The solo student fell onto their side, their head completely gone, rendering them deceased. Two more students ran over, trying to outnumber Mono. They leaped at him in unison, but he answered by swiftly moving out of the way. He brought the hammer down over his head, but the porcelain student he was aiming for dodged his attack, leaping backward.

Mono didn't expect this, and the student took advantage of that by striking Mono in the face. He stumbled backward, but the metal bucket that he wore over his head protected him well, recovering from the attack rather quickly. He decided to play this more patiently, waiting for his opponent to make the first move. Eventually, the second porcelain doll grew impatient, running at Mono with clenched fists. Mono backed up slowly, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The student went for an uppercut, which Mono answered with a quick dodge. He ran behind the doll and struck its back, sending it onto the floor on its stomach. It let out a cry of pain as he brought the sledgehammer over his head again, and landed it right onto the back of the student's head, its body jumping up a little as its head was reduced to shards. Mono felt a sudden yank on his trench coat as he was pulled backward by the last porcelain doll. He was thrown backward, landing onto the hard floor, still holding onto his sledgehammer.

The doll tried to pounce on Mono but was met with a sledgehammer to the cheek before he could do so, flying off to the side, smashing into a locker. Mono got up, grunting a little. It wasn't the first fight he had won, and it definitely would not be the last. He looked down the hallway he was going to head into, seeing another head peeking around the corner, then disappearing as soon as it was noticed.


Mono continued to stomp down the hallway, stepping onto shards from his previous opponents and breaking them into tinier pieces. He rounded the corner expecting to see more students waiting for him, but instead he was met with a simple hallway. Almost too simple. Just a hallway with no traps, no students, only tall green lockers that were lined up against both walls. He walked down the hallway cautiously, not knowing what would happen next. 

As he reached the middle of the corridor, several lockers began to pop open, porcelain students jumping out of them. They quickly surrounded him, their disfigured and remorseless faces only making Mono even more determined to put them down. One grabbed Mono from behind, attempting to restrain his arms. His sledgehammer slipped out of his hands, a porcelain student attempting to pick it up only to realize it was too heavy. Mono groaned as he kept trying to free himself, each attempt proving to be futile.

The dolls started to pry at his helmet, trying to take it off. As they were about to succeed, Mono used the back of his helmet to headbutt the doll holding his arms back, sending them stumbling backward. Two porcelain dolls lifted Mono into the air and slammed him down on his stomach, a wave of pain coursing through Mono. He landed right next to his sledgehammer, which he quickly picked up as they grabbed his trench coat.

They tried to pull him up onto his feet, but he answered by hitting one of their legs. It yelled in pain, dropping to its knees. Mono swung his sledgehammer sideways, smashing both of their heads in one swing. He turned around to take care of the porcelain doll he had headbutted, swinging his sledgehammer upwards, smashing its entire head. He turned around to face more of them, his eyes meeting with the same porcelain doll that had been watching him from the beginning.

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