Chapter 17 - Confrontation

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(Artwork by MoldyHobo69)

"MONO!! NO!!"

The boy groaned as he got onto his feet, hearing his name ring through his ears constantly as Six desperately banged on the screen behind him. He turned around, viewing the outside world from the screen of the television set. Six was banging on the glass, shouting his name.

"Crap, crap, crap..." 

Mono quickly ran over to the screen and was about to press his hands up against the screen, relieving Six of her worries.


Mono's eyes widened as the connection to the real world was suddenly lost, smacking into the now blank glass in front of him.

"Oh no..." 

He pressed the tips of his fingers against the glass effortlessly.

"No, no, no, no, come on..."

He quickly evolved to banging against the glass desperately wanting to see Six's face again.



The screen smashed upon contact with Mono's fists, glass shards flying everywhere. 


Mono picked up a glass shard off of the floor and threw it in anger.


His eye was distracted as he turned around, glancing down the ominous hallway before him. Mono was shaken to his core as he stared down at the door at the end of the corridor.

"I am so dead..."

He had no choice but to go forward, tucking his trenchcoat inward as he slowly trudged his way down the hall. 

"Hang on, Six."

He emerged at the door, hesitating for a second before he opened it. Mono pressed his ear against the surface of the wooden door, holding it there for a moment. He listened intently, trying to pick up on any sound that he could not recognize. For a moment, there was absolutely no sound. Mono jumped back, holding back a scream at the sound of a loud creak coming from the other side of the door.

"Okay, you know what..."

Mono grew impatient, pushing the door wide open without preparing for what was to come from behind it. Expecting to see a monster or any kind of danger, his hopes were let down as he scanned the room, which appeared to be a giant library. Bookcases were stacked up to the ceiling that towered above Mono as purple mist covered the vicinity. He stepped out of the doorway, gazing at the strangely dumbfounding sight.


Mono walked along the soft carpet, the smell of the room seeming so familiar but foreign at the same time.

"Am I... in the tower..?"

Mono walked to the end of the room, pushing another door wide open, entering another room that appeared to be an office. Certain objects hung from the ceiling such as a globe, a metal airplane, and other miscellaneous items. An office desk along with a chair was seen in front of him. Hundreds of papers were scattered out everywhere along with the desk, some of them falling off onto the floor.

"This is my dad's office..." 

Mono was both struck with fear and nostalgia as he picked up a paper off of the ground, examining it. It was mostly stained with ink, the drawing on the paper being undecipherable. It was a very crude illustration of a few stickmen lined up along a black line. Not much could be made out though, so Mono tossed the paper aside. He wasn't about to spend half an hour sifting through hundreds of papers on the floor, so he decided he would leave the room and explore another room.

Together - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now