Chapter 6 - The Brute

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(Artwork by Chloe.W)

Mono exited the guarded stone door room and walked back down the hallway with a slight limp, his legs and chest aching from the previous encounter with the stocky porcelain dolls in the gymnasium. He walked around all of the scattered corpses of the heavily built foes, each of them missing a head. His boots crunched on the shards dispersed all over the floor, it sort of sounding like he was stepping on leaves. He knew he had to hurry if he wanted to retrieve Six and get out of this hellhole, so he walked at a faster pace, not wanting to strain his feet too much in fear of them giving out. Exiting the gymnasium, he recalled the exit he had noticed while following the map he had found.

He got the map out of his pocket again to refresh his memory, noticing that he had to only walk straight to get back to where the exit was located. He remembered that there were two doors, one of them leading outside. He quickly walked down the hallways, dreading the moment he would confront the man who was keeping the key to Six's containment. The best description he had of this guy was he was big, strong, and ordered around the porcelain dolls.

"What am I supposed to make of that? Damn it, I should've asked more questions."

Mono had no attack plan, all he could do was hope his strength and agility would be enough. He put his hand on his helmet, feeling the multiple dents and scratches along its surface. His headache was getting slightly worse, but he knew he would have a fractured jaw if he didn't wear it, so a little headache was a fine drawback. Mono felt his chest, wincing a little from the soreness. Clenching his teeth, he decided to ignore the pain and focus on the main objective.

Making his way through the hallways, he rounded multiple corners keeping an eye out for the exit out of this place. He listened for the sound of rain, and also for the sound of any other porcelain dolls that wanted to take their chance at defeating him. Though none came as he eventually found the exit he had been looking for, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Well Six, we made it..."

He imagined the happy look on her face as he promised to her that he would never put her in danger ever again. His happy imagination would only make him more depressed as he wished she were right beside him right now. He missed her a lot, and was determined to save her. He felt that he was responsible for getting her kidnapped, so he would be responsible for rescuing her.

Stepping out onto the balcony, he looked across the street, looking for the apartment the female doll was talking about. His eyes met with a run-down building that was right next to the school. It looked like it was ready to collapse, the brick walls twisting inward like the rest of the houses that were along the street. Mono hopped up to get a better look, spotting multiple shattered windows and fire escapes. It looked to be about three stories high, definitely supporting up to two floors.

He slid down the wet roof, grabbing onto the ledge. He slowly moved toward the ground, using nearby window sills as ways to get down. It was still raining fairly hard, so he had to be careful as to not accidentally slip off to his death. Though, Mono was careful and made it all the way down to the street. 

"Where is everyone..?"

The streets were completely isolated, the only noise that could be heard was the downpouring rain that drenched Mono completely. The sound the rain made when it made contact with his helmet was strangely comforting, it was somewhat of a rhythm. Mono walked along the wet roads, his trench coat getting completely soaked. He wrung out the water from it, which was weirdly satisfying to watch. Mono jumped as he was interrupted by a sudden loud noise coming from his left side.

He turned to face the noise, spotting a giant tower in the distance. An alarm was being protruded from it, which the entire city could clearly hear. The walls of the tower began to slowly contort as the alarm got louder. Mono watched in horror as a bright light blinded the whole city, Mono shielding his eyes. Memories began to come back to him, this tower used to be his home.

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