Chapter 23 - Escape

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(Artwork by Ylkong2)

Mono winced, shutting his eyes as he was completely blinded by a sudden bright light source. He covered his eyes with his hands as he lay on his stomach, feeling around at his surroundings. The ground felt very smooth and soft, which was a lot more comfortable than laying down on a hard surface.

"Where... am I..?"

He turned away from the beaming light, slightly squinting. Mono observed sand surrounding all sides of him, picking up a small clump and sprinkling it back down onto the ground. He heard the sound of waves crashing against land as distant seagulls squawked from very far away.

"Please... tell me I'm..."

He sat up, glancing around.

"I'm outside!!"

Mono immediately slipped into a state of pure euphoria, internally cheering as he pumped his fists up into the air.

"Six, we made it out of the city!"

"Did we..?"

She slowly got up from off of the ground, facing a TV that was half-buried in the sand behind them. It flickered on and off before the connection was disconnected, the screen turning off. To the side stood the wall of electric fences, which were now all powered off. In the very far distance, she marveled at the sight of the tower collapsing, watching along with Mono as it split into several pieces, tumbling down to the floor. A large dust cloud rose into the air as the loud sound of metal being bent and destroyed rung through their ears, then pure silence.


Six cheered, clapping her hands.

"That was awesome!"

Mono giggled at her reaction, finding it nothing short of adorable. He laid back down on his back and put his hands behind his head, taking in the moment. Six looked down at him and considering laying down beside him before he suddenly jumped up.

"Ow, ow, ow!!"

"What's wrong?"

Six looked on with concern as he vigorously shook his hands, quickly dashing over to the ocean. Mono jammed his hands directly into the water, breathing a sigh of relief as he cooled them off.


"Jeez... you scared me for a second."

"No, I'm fine... it's just my hands felt like they were on fire just now, heh... sorry."

Six's face displayed a skeptical look as Mono submerged his hands in the water even more, before taking them out and drying them on his pants. He called out to Six, beginning to take off his trenchcoat.

"You wanna go for a swim?"

"Nah, I'm fine."

Six waved her hand at Mono as he slipped his trenchcoat back on, figuring he'd have time to swim later.

"Well, I guess we can start our lives as pirates now, or something, I dunno."

She laughed in response, finding the idea to be tempting but slightly ridiculous.

"Pirates? I mean, I guess if we had a boat or something. Also, don't pirates have eye patches, and... uh... hooks and stuff?"

"Yeah... I'm not sure where we're gonna get all that."

He scratched the back of his head, looking down at his feet which were completely submerged under the water. Mono cupped his hands and gathered some water, splashing his face. He shook his head, looking up at Six who was still standing next to the TV where they had exited from.

Together - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now