Chapter 12 - Reunited

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(Artwork by krsn_gm)

Mono fell straight through the ceiling, falling along with the vent grate he had bashed open with his flashlight. His trench coat flapped up into the air as Mono braced for landing.


With a sickening squish, the living hand that was about to pounce on the person with the yellow raincoat was turned into a pancake. Mono had used the vent grate to cushion his landing but still felt a sharp pang of pain building up in his legs.

"Ow! Why did I do that..."

Mono hissed in pain but fought off the urge to scream in agony, turning toward the yellow raincoat person he had just saved. His jaw dropped to the floor when he realized who they truly were.


Mono didn't show it, but he was ecstatic to have finally found Six after looking everywhere for her. He awkwardly grinned and waved at her, not knowing what to say. She slightly raised her hand and slowly waved back at him, her eyes staring at the floor. Six awkwardly tugged at her new yellow raincoat, not knowing what to say. Mono couldn't contain his thoughts anymore and unintentionally began to say whatever was on his mind.

"She's so pretty..."

Six's eyes widened and she got flustered.

"Wait, did I say that out loud?!"

Mono's face went completely red as he stumbled over his words, trying to say something that would explain the sudden compliment. 

"Watch out!" Six warned Mono, pointing behind him.

He quickly turned around, facing the multiple living hands that were slowly creeping toward him. Mono wanted to show off a little in front of Six, waiting for one of them to attempt to pounce him. Eventually, the one leading the pack reeled backward and launched itself toward Mono, which he used his quick reflexes to catch out of the air with one hand. Using his other hand which he was holding the flashlight in, he used all of his might and bashed the living hand, sending it flying across the room. The other living hands jumped back at the brutal blow to their fallen ally, slowly backing away from Mono. 

They didn't fight back, instead they tried to run. Six watched as Mono beat up the remaining hands, pouncing on them and bashing them once he had them pinned, mentally worshipping Mono for saving her life once again. He scowled at the remaining living hand, which was climbing its way up a shelf. Mono watched as it hopped into a nearby vent and scurried away, hopefully to never be seen ever again. Catching his breath, he slowly limped back over to Six to talk to her.

"Um... are you okay?" Mono didn't see any visible injuries on her, but he had to make sure.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Six awkwardly stuttered, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I got your note. You said you were looking for, uh..." 

Mono dug around in his pocket for the letter she had left for him. Holding out whatever was left of the note in front of him, he read the first part out loud. 

"Went to get treatment for your injuries..."

He looked up from the note, staring at Six who was looking directly at him now with her hands behind her back and her head slightly tilted sideways. As soon as he lowered the note back down from his face and raised his head to look at her, she darted her eyes back down to the floor and lowered her head back down. Mono chuckled at her strangely cute behavior and crammed the note back into his pocket. He was about to walk past Six to take a look around the place he had landed in before she suddenly spoke up.

Together - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now