Chapter 7 - Kidnapped

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(Artwork by Pinkcakeramos)

Mono slowly awoke, his eyes opening slightly. He tried to move his arms, but they wouldn't budge. Looking downward, he noticed his wrists and ankles were tied up with rope. He was hanging in the air and was missing his helmet, trench coat, and shoes. He looked up, trying to make sense of the room he was in.

"Where am I..?"

The last thing he remembered was a sharp pain and the sound of high-pitched giggling. He kept thinking, what did he do to end up here... Then his eyes shot open.


He strained as he tried to pull the ropes apart, wiggling back and forth trying desperately to break free. After a little while, he gave up, realizing the effort was worthless.

"Wait... Tell me I still have it..."

He reached up, feeling around his ankle. He eventually felt the sharp tip of the knife he kept on his ankle holster.


Using the sharp tip of the knife, he began to cut into the rope that entangled his wrists. He was careful as to not cut himself doing this, making sure he didn't rush in his actions. Eventually, the rope broke off, dropping down to the floor below. He pulled the knife out from his ankle holster and began to cut into the rope that enwrapped his ankles. After a little cutting, he let out a scream as he plummeted to the floor. Landing on his back, he groaned as he got back up onto his feet.

He rubbed the back of his head, looking around. He spotted his trench coat below him, sprawled out across the floor. It was what cushioned his fall, and also potentially saved him from a worse accident. He picked it up, slipping it back onto his body. Looking around some more, he saw his knife, but it was bent in half, rendering it unusable.

He didn't notice anything else, so he peeked around the corner, spotting an all too familiar hallway with green tall lockers lined up against every wall. He knew exactly where he was now, stepping out onto the creaky wooden floorboards. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to think of a way to find Six.

"Would I interrogate more students? But I have no weapon to interrogate them with... If I get spotted, they'll probably kidnap me again, or worse."

Six could be right around the corner or across the whole school and he would have no idea. He continued peeking around the corner, looking for any patrolling porcelain students but did not see any. He was about to take a step out into the hallway when he noticed the floorboard he was about to step on was lifted slightly higher than the others.

"Ah, right. Can't forget about these..."

He stepped over the trapped floorboard and continued down the hallway, his mind dead set on finding Six. He would need to find a weapon, but where? He considered many possibilities in his head.

"Maybe the gymnasium?"

He walked down the bleak hallway, the pain from the previous fight he had been almost nonexistent, only minor pain in his back and legs. His bandaged knife wound held up well, for it stayed intact while he was kidnapped. 

"What if I just sneak around for a little while and check every single floor? I'll find Six eventually with that method, unless if they've hidden her outside of the school."

He slowly opened the door to an empty classroom, looking around for anything of use. Mono climbed up onto a desk that had a paper with illegible scribbles lying on top of it. He looked out the window, realizing that it was still pouring hard outside. The view from the window was rather boring, all he could see was a few rundown buildings and the wet road and sidewalk.

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