Chapter 21 - Shadow Six

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(Artwork by Okara)

Six held her sides as she trudged along the wet pavement of the sidewalk, the tears never seeming to end no matter how much she cried. She didn't know what to do with her life anymore, where was she supposed to go? Without Mono, she was completely lost.

"What am I doing..? I should go look for him..."

She looked down the road where he saw him last.

"No... I'd only bother him even more."

Six sniffled, wiping a tear away from her eye.

She glared at the tower that kept her imprisoned in the city, no matter where she went there would be a giant electric fence waiting for her, seemingly tantalizing her with the outside world only to block it off completely. Six had already accepted her fate at this point, it was no use in trying to get Mono back, and she wasn't about to destroy the tower all by herself. 

"Mono... I... took you for granted... I shouldn't of..."

She knew she would never come across another person as perfect as him.

"I'm sorry..."

Six walked into an alleyway, sitting down next to a TV and staring at the floor. She glanced up at the sky, feeling the rain trickle down on her forehead. The tears kept pouring down her eyes as her mind drifted away to thoughts of Mono and her, taking on the world together. She had always longed to tell him how she really felt about him, but she was always too afraid to, scared that Mono wouldn't share the same feelings and would think differently of her. Now, she was seriously regretting it.

"If I could just speak to him one more time..."

She shook her head, knowing that she was given a chance to tell him and she didn't take it, she was never going to ever make contact with him ever again. Mono was done with her forever.

"I wonder what he's doing right now... he probably already escaped out of the city by now."

Six lost track of time, had it been a few hours since Mono had left her? Or had it been a few minutes? She had no clue, slouching her shoulders and burying her head in her knees, she continued to softly weep, she had no motivation anymore. She listened to the sound of rain droplets pouring onto the floor continuously, it was as if the weather knew exactly how she was feeling somehow.

"Coincidental... the world's crying with me..."

She laughed at her own joke, wiping the tear streaks off of her face. Six glanced over at the trash can next to her, watching a brown rat scurry through a garbage bag, sniffing around looking for food. For some reason, it didn't run away from her as soon as it saw her. It brought her some amusement as it pulled out a banana peel, the rat biting into the peel trying to eat whatever it could. Six dug around in the pocket of her raincoat, feeling around for any leftover food crumbs she might have. 

"Hey, little guy..."

She quietly whispered over the rat, pulling out a tiny bread crumb from her pocket and placing it next to it. The rat turned away from the banana peel and sniffed it for a moment, before picking it up and chewing on it. Six smiled, finding the little animal to be very cute.


Six jumped, the rat scurrying away in fear as the TV in front of her flashed on, displaying static for a moment. She got onto her feet, backing away from the TV, ready for whatever kind of monster was about to come out of it.

"What is it doing..?"

It flickered on and off for a moment, producing a strange whiny noise until it turned completely white. Black electric energy slowly made its way out of the TV and onto the ground, Six's eyes widening as she realized it was forming something.

Together - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now