Bonus - Author's Note

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(Artwork by KasugaBee)

If you haven't finished the book yet, I highly recommend you do as there will be some spoilers for upcoming stuff here!!

Alright, so if you're here, you're probably wondering about the next book, and I got some good news for you!

I'm planning on making 3 books in total, and here is the cover for the 2nd book.

I'm planning on making 3 books in total, and here is the cover for the 2nd book

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(Artwork by Gabowook)

I don't wanna give too much away, but yeah, Seven is gonna be in the next book!

Anyway, I will need some time to plan it, maybe around a month or two? I'll see. But in the meantime, I can respond to any questions you guys have regarding this book.

Also, holy guacamole this book has a total of 73,158 words!

This is probably the third time I'll be doing this, but THANK YOU for taking time out of your day to read my work! This is the FIRST time I've ever written an entire book, and I didn't expect it to get noticed so much to the point where I would even consider making a series!

So far, the book has over 5,400 reads, which is completely mind-boggling. I would've been comfortable with 1,000 at most, but 5,400!? That's insane!!

I would also like to thank these people who have been following my book and writing positive comments.

(Sorry if I miss anybody)


















You guys are literally incredible people! I love reading your comments and talking with you guys, it makes me feel like I'm not just writing this for myself, I'm actually writing it for people!

Also, my biggest inspiration for this book was @SassToTheMax and her book called "Sweet Dreams." It's an amazing read, and I highly recommend it if you haven't already read it!

Another more minor inspiration was @Jlikeswriting and her book called "Moonlight," which is another fantastic read and I highly recommend it!

Finally, another writer that I would like to recommend is @Writer0001-and their book called "Never Forget." It's a different take on Mono x Six, but it is still very well written and I highly suggest you give it a read if you have not already, you won't regret it!

Anyway, I would like to thank YOU, reader, for finishing Book 1! I'll see you guys in Book 2, until then, have a good day!

- Chaoz

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