Chapter 13 - The Nome's Den

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(Artwork by Th3Unkn0wns)

Mono sat down next to Six, exhausted from running and using his new power. He glanced over at Six who was staring down at the floor, catching her breath. He didn't know what else to say to her, but he relaxed at the fact that she wasn't scared of him or his special ability. Six hugged her knees and quietly coughed occasionally, which made Mono feel guilty. He reached his hand over and gently patted her back, then he got up on his feet.

He didn't want to bother her, so he took a look around at the place they were in right now. Mono didn't wander off too far, glancing around the corner and spotting a staircase that led down. 

"That has to be our way out of here."

Mono turned around to go and tell Six about his discovery.

"Hey, Six, I think that I- AHH!!"

Mono jumped back, startled by Six who was suddenly right behind him. She also jumped back, surprised by his reaction.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see you there!" Mono nervously laughed.

"Sorry..." Six's eyes drifted down to the floor again.

"Hey, it's not your fault that I'm really jumpy." He looked around the corner again. "Anyway, I think that I found the way out of here."

Mono pointed out the staircase that he spotted leading downward.

"Hear that?" Mono quieted down as Six pointed out the sound of muffled rain that sounded very close nearby.

Six stepped out around the corner first and surely enough, there was a wide-open door that lead to the rain outside. Mono followed closely behind and was relieved to finally get out of the hospital.

"Thank god..."

They moved quickly down the staircase and emerged out in the cold rain, looking up at the burning hospital. Not even the heavy rain could put out the flames that were igniting on the building. Mono marveled at the sight, not believing his own eyes.

"Woah..." Mono's jaw dropped to the floor, he didn't know that they caused this much damage.

Six was walking away on the sidewalk, looking around for anything that they could use. She looked back at Mono who was still in a trance, looking up at the hospital.

"You coming?" She called over to him.

"Yeah, wait up!" Mono ran after her, not wanting to be a burden. 

They walked down the city's deserted sidewalks set them both on edge, the tall tower always being in their view. Mono got completely drenched, his messy dark hair becoming soaking wet within seconds. He shook his head a little bit, causing water to fly everywhere. Six giggled, shielding her face from the water droplets.

"Stupid rain..." Mono annoyingly mumbled under his breath, wringing his coat.

He didn't want to keep shaking his head over and over to get rid of the water, so he took off his trenchcoat and held it over his head. Mono felt a little bit colder, but at least he wasn't completely wet now. Six found a lot of amusement in his silly strategy, Mono not noticing her quiet laughs. They walked past multiple apartments and buildings that were all blocked off. Even the windows were boarded up tightly with wood, making it virtually impossible to get into any of the houses.

"What in the world happened to this place..?" Mono had faint memories of how lively the city used to be, everywhere you turned you would meet a new face.

More importantly, his mind drifted off onto another question. "What happened to my father?"

Mono shook his head, he wanted to forget about him. They would get out of this city and hopefully find a better place to stay, without any monsters trying to kill them, and he wouldn't need to worry about that man ever again. Though he wondered how long he would stay with Six until they parted ways. He hoped that they never would, but if she wanted to then he couldn't bring himself to argue with her. Looking ahead in the distance he saw nothing but more and more apartments and buildings that just kept going on forever.

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