Chapter 10 - Creepy Crawlies

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(Artwork by Klover_The_Cat)

The living hands poured into the room from the ceiling one by one, dropping down right in front of her. Six screamed tripped backward, dropping her lighter onto the floor in a panic. She tried to get back onto her feet and run away but the living hands quickly surrounded her, leaving her no choice but to remain stationary. Six got onto her feet and looked in front of her and dived for the lighter, ducking right under a living hand that leaped for her. She grabbed the lighter and turned around to face the remaining living hands, which were all closing in on her.

Six looked around for something to use as a torch, spotting another porcelain limb on the floor. She ducked under another living hand that tried to ensnare her, grabbing the porcelain limb. The battle quickly turned in her favor as she lit the top of the porcelain limb, causing the living hands to retreat, slowly backing away from her. She waved it around her, backing into a corner so she couldn't be attacked from behind.

One of them ignored the heat from the flame completely, leaping at Six. She quickly dashed away, watching it smack against the wall. Six clenched her teeth as she quickly placed the burning tip of the porcelain limb against the living hand's surface. It caught on fire and began to thrash around wildly, making a sickening crunching sound as it contorted its body until it lay still, sprawled out on the floor like a dead spider, its fingers crooked and pointed outward.

"So they can die..."

A slight smile grew on her face as she realized her advantage, turning toward the remaining living hands and slowly walking toward them. They backed away slowly, seemingly terrified of the flame now that they had seen what it could do to them. Six continued to walk toward them, forgetting that the flame was about to burn out. As she backed them into a corner, she raised the porcelain doll to them, but there was no visible flame. She gasped, dropping it onto the floor.

"Oh no."

Six looked at the living hands which were now creeping toward her. She slowly backed away, feeling around in her raincoat's pockets for the lighter. When she eventually found it, the living hands took their chance, one of them leaping into the air. She ran away, swiftly dodging the living hand's attempt at an attack. She got the lighter out of her pocket and ran around a corner, readying herself for the incoming horde of hands.

She watched them walk into the room in a single file line, the one in the front leading the group. Six waited for the last one in line to enter the room before she would make her move. She crept behind the last one and placed the flame from the lighter right on it, instantly setting it aflame. It tossed and turned, contorting its fingers like the last one she had burned. The other living hands turned around, only seeing the single burning hand, but no culprit. 

Six hid behind another corner, waiting for the living hands to creep around again. However, after a while of waiting, they never showed up. She anxiously peered around the corner, spotting only the hand she had burned, sprawled out on the floor. Six stepped out, walking over to the now-deceased hand. She flicked off her lighter when she saw the living hands scurrying away, climbing up into nearby vents at the sight of her. 

They were afraid of her now, running for their lives once she stepped around the corner. Six scoffed, slightly disappointed that the action was now ending. But also thankful that she had gotten out alive, walking through the room that was filled with multiple mannequins that were stuck in place due to the light shining on them from the ceiling. Now she could prioritize her main goal of getting Mono some help. Six continued to walk through the room, not sure where to go next, her mind stuck on Mono.

"Why was he ready to die for me..?" 

It didn't make much sense to her, why didn't he just abandon her and save himself? When she got kidnapped, instead of giving up on her, Mono went back inside the school and risked his life to save her. Six wondered if he had woken up yet, hoping he hadn't. She knew if he had, he would most definitely be looking for her right now, and would probably die in the process. She had to pick up the pace, otherwise, she might be too late. Six desperately looked for anything that could resemble the red cross she had seen on the front of the hospital, but everywhere she turned all she found was more and more mannequins. 

Together - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now