Chapter 16 - Transmission

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(Artwork by Th3Unkn0wns)

Mono froze with fear for a moment, struggling to form words as he felt himself go dizzy. He could barely think as his whole body ached with fear, anger, and confusion.

"My... father!?"

Breathing suddenly became very difficult as Mono felt tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"Mono? What happened?!" Six came rushing up the steps, rushing toward him.

His breathing grew heavy as he tried to speak, but the words refused to come out.

"Mono, calm down, it's okay." She gently placed her hands on his shoulders. "Just breathe."

Six sat him against the wall and closed the basement door. Crouching down next to him, she waited for him to catch his breath. He covered his face with his hands, trying to hide the fact that he was on the verge of crying right now. Mono slowly caught his breath, wiping the tears from his face and moving his hands to his sides.

"Alright, so what happened? What did you see?" Six spoke in a soft voice, calming Mono down.

"I... saw..." Mono paused, trying to figure out something to say. "They're... looking for... us..." 

"Who's they?"

"The TV people!" Mono suddenly cried out.

"Okay, okay. I heard talking, who was speaking?"

Mono's eyes widened, his face turning pale.

"Some... body... on the screen..." He stumbled over his words, but Six was patient with him.

She was slightly afraid herself, but she didn't show it. She had never seen Mono this frightened before. Six gently placed her hand on Mono's shoulder, trying her best to calm him down.

"What were they talking about?"

"They were... making an... announcement..." Mono tried his best to relax but he physically couldn't. "Telling the... people... watching... to come and... capture us..."

"My father... how..."

"I'm not letting anybody capture you." Six spoke in a confident tone.

"On the screen... there was... a picture..."

"Of what?"

"Of me and you!"

Six was taken aback, her face turning to a mix of both horror and confusion.

"What..? How?!"

"I don't know, but they know what we look like and they're coming to find us and capture us."

Six sighed, looking down and thinking to herself.

"I think we'll be safe in here, but we can't stay here forever." She got onto her feet and pushed the door open slightly, peaking outside. "We have to find a place that has some food and water."

"Yeah, maybe if we can find a restaurant or something." Mono finally calmed down, getting onto his feet. "Do you see anything out there?"

"Nope... just rain. The streets are still empty." Six turned around, facing Mono. "You wanna sleep here tonight?"

"Uh..." Mono was put on the spot, looking down and scratching the back of his head. "Like, in different rooms or... what?"

"You wanna sleep in different rooms?"

"Um... well... not if you don't want to." Mono tried to hide his red face, turning away.

"It'd probably be better if we just slept in the same room, so... sure." Six closed the basement door and began walking down the steps.

Together - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now