Chapter 14 - Arachnid

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(Artwork by Th3Unkn0wns)

"Well, now I've seen everything..."

Mono watched as the eight-legged behemoth barreled directly toward them.

"RUN!!" Six yelled at the distracted Mono.

"Oh, right."

Mono had always taken a liking to spiders, saving them from being squashed by other humans whenever he could. He couldn't help but get fascinated by this spider, however. He had never seen anything like it. The two sprinted in the opposite direction as quickly as they could, the entrance of the cave seemed so far away. Mono looked over his shoulder and saw that the giant spider wasn't chasing them anymore, rather it was stationary, moving its pedipalps around.

"Wait for a second!" Mono called over to Six who halted as she turned around to face the giant spider.

"What is it doing..?" Six had a slightly confused and slightly disgusted look on her face.

"No clue..." Mono thought for a moment. "... maybe it's friendly?"

Suddenly, the giant spider's pedipalps went straight outward. It shot out a large web from its mouth directly at Mono, who had no time to react.

"What the- AH!!"

He was instantly entangled in the web, falling onto the floor.

"MONO!" Six ran over to his side and tried to free him from the webs, pulling at them repeatedly. 

"Just... go!" Mono strained, trying to break himself free from the tight web. 

"Shut up, I'm not leaving you here!" Six refused to leave him to die, but the giant spider that was getting closer and closer was about to leave her with no choice but to do the unthinkable.

"What are you doing!?" Mono began to panic as she got out her lighter and flicked it on. "Six, don't-"

Before he could protest she pressed the flame from the lighter against the webs that enwrapped Mono, setting them on fire. Just as the giant spider was about to strike the two of them, it halted in place as Six guarded Mono by holding her lighter in front of her as she set him free.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Six yelled at the giant spider that was slowly backed off, afraid of the fire that the girl was casting.

Mono pushed his arms outward, ripping the burning web in half and breaking free from its hold. Getting onto his feet, he carefully took his trenchcoat off and put out the flames that were dancing on its surface. Once he was finished he slipped it back on, facing Six who was still holding the giant spider back. Glancing up at the spider who was in a defense position now, its legs outstretched and slowly backing away from the girl, he realized his pedipalps were moving similarly to when it shot out the web from its mouth.

"It's charging up another one!"

"LOOK OUT!" He quickly ran over behind Six and grabbed her raincoat, pulling her toward him.

The giant spider shot out another web from its mouth and barely missed the girl it was targeting. The two stumbled backward, Mono regaining his footing and catching Six as she tripped.

"Gotcha!" He raised Six back onto her feet.

The giant spider shook the floor with every step it took leaving the duo no time to think.

"Please tell me you have a plan..." Six looked at Mono with worried eyes, knowing that they wouldn't stand a chance if they were to try to run away.

"Give me your lighter!" He reached his hand out for her lighter which she gave.

Mono held the lighter out in front of him just like Six did, moving in on the incoming spider. It got in range of an attack on him but froze dead in its tracks once again.

Together - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now