Chapter 22 - Showdown

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(Artwork by HeyItsPegKat)


Mono desperately called out to Six, but she seemingly ignored him, climbing up his leg and cutting at the chain that was wrapped around his distorted arm.

"Stubborn girl."

She swung upward with her dark sword, freeing the restraint on his wrist. Mono's arm slumped down, taking off the bag that was on his head.

"Come on... last one!"

Six mumbled to herself as she hopped onto Mono's other leg, aiming at the last chain that was holding him back.


Mono held his deformed finger out in front of him, pointing it directly at his father who was just casually smoking another cigarette as he leaned against a wall.

"She can't cut through your chains anyway, they're indestructible-"

He looked up to face the two and dropped his cigarette to the floor in shock.

"Where the hell did she get that sword?!"

His father held his hand straight outward, causing Six to yelp as she was yanked backward, letting go of her dark energy sword and flying backward into the man's grasp.

"You little... gremlin!"

Six twisted and turned in his grasp and Mono roared in anger, yanking at the chain that was still locked tightly around his wrist. His eyes focused on the dark sword that Six had dropped onto the floor, reaching his disfigured hand out to grab it.

"Nice try, Mono."

He groaned as the sword slipped out of his reach, his father telepathically pulling it away from him.

"Now... what to do with you..."

"LET ME... GO!"

His father amusingly watched Six writhe around in agony while Mono pounded his fist into the floor. He glanced around the room, facing the reactor.


Mono cried out in frustration and worry as his father began to step toward the bright white sphere that was the reactor, knowing that if Six were to be thrown inside she would be disintegrated in seconds. She shielded her eyes as she was brought in closer toward the bright light. It made a strange whirring sound and had black electricity zapping all around it.

"You know, Mono, you really picked a loyal girl to fall in love with."

Mono strained as he pulled as hard as he could on the chain ensnared on his wrist.

"It's quite a shame, actually. I think she really did love you as well."

He clenched his teeth as the chains dug deeper into his flesh the more he pulled on them.

"Farewell, Six."

She kicked and punched as she screamed in horror, trying to break free of the man's hold. He let go of her, but she continued to remain in the air as she floated, Mono's father telepathically getting her closer and closer to the reactor. Mono used his other hand and pulled on the hot chains that hurt his fingertips, but he didn't care. No matter how hard he pulled, the chain wouldn't give out. He was running out of time to save Six as she got closer and closer to the reactor, screaming in complete fear.


The room shook as Mono raised his head to face the loud noise.


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