Chapter 8 - The Hospital

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(Artwork by qwertty3566)

Six shook Mono who was now unconscious, sitting against the wall. No matter how much she rattled him, he wouldn't wake up. Six was getting increasingly worried that he wasn't going to wake up, examining the blood that trickled down his forehead and the shards of glass that had pierced his arms.

"Mono..?" She held back tears, was she too late?

She slowly shook him one final time before burying her head in his chest, softly weeping.

"Mono... he's... gone..."

She wrapped her arms around him, crying uncontrollably. Six didn't know what had happened to him, why he was bleeding everywhere, but she didn't care. She desperately wanted him to wake up, but he kept being unresponsive. No matter what she did, he wouldn't budge, so she gave up.


But she was relieved to hear the sound of his quiet breathing, his chest slowly rising up and then lowering down. She raised her head back up to meet his bruised-up face, finding that it still remained the same. His eyes were still closed, but he was breathing. Very gently and softly, but he was breathing. He was alive!

She wiped tears away from her eyes and collected herself, rising to her feet. She looked down at relaxed form, admiring his handsomeness. She had never seen his face before, and now that she had she couldn't stop looking at it. Something about it was just so captivating to her, she had never seen anything as attractive as it. Six shook her head, trying to remove these weird thoughts from her head, and built up the courage to speak to him.

"Come on, Mono."

Six waited a little while for a response from Mono, but he didn't budge. He still sat there with his head hung down and his eyes closed.

"Fine then..."

She lowered Mono onto his back and then raised him off the ground with both of her hands, one around the back of his head and the other around his calves. He was surprisingly light, not causing Six much trouble. She carefully walked out of the wooden shed, avoiding the porcelain shards that were scattered across the ground, not wanting to cut up her bare feet. She stepped out into the rain and was almost completely soaked, though Six was barely bothered.

"Need to find somewhere to stay..."

She looked out into the isolated city, spotting multiple rundown buildings and apartments, but none were open. All of them were locked, so she kept looking. Six kept an eye out for any broken windows to climb through, or a hole to crawl through. She kept walking through the road, completely fascinated by a large tower that was very far away. Six noticed all of the buildings all tilted inward, facing the tower's position.

She looked down at Mono, whose head was now turned toward Six, his relaxed face buried into her arm. His hands were neatly placed on his stomach, and his feet dangled off of the edge. Six only now realized how close she was holding him and felt a blush coming on, turning her head away in embarrassment, although she knew he was unconscious.

"Not the time, Six..."

Trying to avoid his cute face and posture, she looked off to the side and spotted something bright yellow in the distance. It instantly caught her eye, standing out against the pale theme of the city. She stepped along the numerous puddles along the road, walking toward the yellow object. Six eventually could make out what looked like a yellow raincoat that seemed to fit her, walking up to it and getting a good look at it. She set Mono down on his back for a second, wanting to examine the raincoat even further.

She picked it up, causing something tiny and metallic to fall out of the raincoat's pocket. She set the raincoat aside, crouching down and clasping the metal object on the floor. She raised it to her face, not knowing what exactly she was looking at. Six started to fiddle around with it, trying to get it to do something until it suddenly opened and cast a flame from its base. She flinched and almost dropped it on the ground, the sudden warm feeling startling her.

Together - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now