Chapter 11 - Playtime

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(Artwork by Elora Hinch)

Mono could do nothing but watch in horror as he was quickly overwhelmed, the dolls tackling him to the floor. He twisted and turned as they crawled all over his body, sinking their tiny fangs into his flesh. He let out a cry of pain, dropping onto his hands and knees. His breathing quickened as rage began to consume him. He shut his eyes and clamped his fists as his body began to vibrate, the lightbulb that was connected to the ceiling beginning to flicker on and off. 


The dolls that were latched onto him kept a firm grasp on his clothing as Mono clenched his teeth, his eyes opening and turning pure black. His dark hair began to raise as a sudden wave of electric energy shot throughout his body.


The lightbulb that illuminated the room shattered as the whole room began to shake, dust falling from the ceiling. A huge shockwave sent all of the dolls that were attacking Mono flying in all different directions. The floor beneath him cracked under the pressure as black electricity began to zap around Mono. He dizzily got back onto his feet, equipping his now shattered flashlight. His ears perked up at the sound of rapid footsteps behind him, quickly turning around and whacked the doll in the side of the head with the bottom of the flashlight.

The electricity that was glitching around him provided him enough visibility for Mono to make out his surroundings, finding multiple dismembered doll limbs littered all across the floor. He was still fueled with rage, grabbing another doll that was charging at him by the throat and slamming them into the ground, beating it with the flashlight. Their head quickly became unrecognizable after multiple strikes, Mono letting go and moving onto another victim, grabbing onto the grotesque doll's hair, watching it scream and thrash around trying to scratch Mono with their sharp fingers before he smashed their face in, tossing it aside. The floor broke under his feet as he slowly marched toward the dolls, his dark eyes keeping track of their every move. One ran at him screaming, which he quickly tackled to the floor, smashing their face in with the flashlight with one strike.

Another ran up behind him, attempting to pounce on him. The deformed doll lunged, but Mono swiftly bashed the doll in the chin, popping their head straight off of their body. One by one, their delicate bodies were all beaten beyond recognition, their desperate attempts at stopping the aggravated boy growing fruitless. Their numbers dwindled as he made quick work of them, sometimes snapping their legs and arms in half before striking them in the head. His durable flashlight beat into their plastic skulls, effortlessly taking down the horde.

Mono slowly got more and more exhausted, the dark energy zaps lessening until he finally struck down the last plastic doll before he collapsed onto his knees, dropping his flashlight onto the floor. His eyes reverted to their normal dark brown color and he lowered his head as he caught his breath. He lifted his head up, squinting his eyes and looking at the destruction he had caused. Multiple dolls were sprawled out all around him, each of them with a perpetual horrified look on their faces. Some had holes in their faces, others were missing limbs and had no head at all.

Mono's jaw dropped as he looked at the cracks that were formed under him. He was horrified and confused at his sudden outburst of rage, he had never felt such anger and power like that before. He scratched his head, getting back on his feet. He felt around on the floor until he touched his flashlight, picking it up and stuffing it into his trenchcoat. Taking one final look around at the massacre, he limped over to where the trapdoor in the wall was, pushing it open. 

A couple of plastic limbs spilled out into the hall when he opened the trapdoor. Mono stepped out into the room with multiple beds with mannequins laid out on them, walking around a corner and emerging into a dark hallway. He finally had some time to think now, without being surrounded by decapitated baby heads.

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